CRITICAL ERROR with phasing and Shadowlands Intro quest with BFA's siege of Orgrimar for the end of the War campaign

Brilliant move to keep forcing the player to accept the shadowlands intro quest, even after it’s abandoned. Now as the game forces me to keep accepting that quest, it forces me out of the phase where I am trying to siege Orgrimmar for the end of the BFA war campaign. This is for a Horde character, I don’t know if this will affect Alliance. When I abandon the Shadowlands intro quest, the phase for the siege reloads, but within 10 seconds, I’m forced by the game to accept the shadowlands quest, thus kicking me from the siege phase.

I’m sorry, I want to try to complete content in somewhat of a coherent order, which the game already makes almost impossible without a guide. But the game literally forces you to not do this in order right now. The only way to fix this issue currently it seems would be to go to shadowlands, complete the Maw, get to Orbitos, and then warp back to Orgrimmar, then watch Sylvanas leave the Horde. Even then I don’t know, I refuse to go to Shadowlands until I can at least finish the BFA war campaign.


Heya, same issue here.

Me and some buddies transferred to Alliance for Shadowlands just for a fresh experience with the game. Well, I wanted to unlock Kul’Tiran for my Druid, but in order to do it, you need to finish the war campaign for the achievement. So far I’ve been unable to start the last chain in the campaign, so I’ve actually had to level my alt to 60 and am currently completing the Covenant campaign. I’m hoping that after completing that I’ll be able to go back and finish up BFA. I’ve gone back to check on the quest and it’s still unavailable.

It’s absolutely idiotic that they force you to play through an entire expansion before allowing you to complete things in the previous one. I’ll update this post when I finish the campaign and let you know if that solves the problem.

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I commented on this in another report with no answer yet. I also reported the concern in game, and got a canned response sending me to a third party website (WoWHead), and told to turn my addons off. We know that neither of these will fix it as it the way it is designed is poorly thought out. Worse if you are Alliance, you might make to the cinematic (very slowly considering 10-20 second interaction times) only to get put into a loop with the loop eventually getting you killed over and over again at the gate.

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I’m seeing this as well and I’m surprised there isn’t more discussion about it. Believe it or not, I pay attention to the story and the lore - they add flavor and context to the action bits. I find that if the story is interrupted, I start losing interest in the fighting, etc. Maybe we story lovers are the minority, but I sure hope this issue receives some attention soon. Maybe today’s downtime? Here’s hoping.


So I got another answer; but this time from a Specialist. Basically they admit the quest is “auto-pushed” and there is nothing we can do about it. However, there is no answer on how to complete the quest chain. The answer appeared to recommend that I go to another form; “general discussion” and discuss it there as it may get a developer to notice. My only other thought now is to use Chromie to go back to the BFA era and see if it allows it.

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Same problem for me. I’m trying to complete “Traitors in our Midst” for the war campaign, but can’t see Eitrigg because of the phasing from the Shadowlands quest. And I can’t fight him because he phases out as soon as the Shadowlands quest pops back up after abandoning it.

I was told by a GM that there wasn’t any known issues with the quest and to submit a bug report.

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Well, to update you all on what I was told from Blizzard support, this is the answer I got:

Greetings and well met, Kashe!

I am Game Master Taelevmek and I hope you are doing well. I see you were reaching out to us about this issue going on with This Ain’t Mine due to the Chilling Summons quest.

First and foremost, I should mention that the previous response was an automated one. With the recent influx of tickets, we’ve been using these to get players situated as quickly as possible. While that may be the case, and as the response mentioned, reopening the ticket will summon a Game Master to take another look such as myself.

In any case, I did some digging into this to see what I could find and it looks like this is indeed the case. Since the questline “Shadowlands: A Chilling Summons” is there, it’s being pushed to your character to direct them to the new expansion. Completing the introduction will allow continuation of this quest that you’re having trouble with. I know that probably isn’t the answer you were looking for since I imagine you want to do the quests in order, but I hope this info helps and that you’re still able to continue your ventures here soon.

On that note, I hope I could help shed some light on this despite not having the best news regarding this. Of course, if you have any more questions or concerns, feel free to reach out again.

If you continue to experience issues, you can reopen this ticket. If you have a new or separate issue, please submit a new ticket.

Make sure you complete our survey to let us know how we did.

Blizzard Support

Note, I’m not mad at the GM, because it’s not his or her fault for trying to give me a solution to the problem. But the solution is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE. There is no reason why this isn’t a top priority fix.

Imagine you’re a new player, and you want to play the story campaign of BFA before getting to Shadowlands. You start on Exiles Reach, go to Zandalar, do the whole quest chains, do the war campaign, and right when you reach the crescendo of the war plot, this happens to you. And all a GM can tell you is to ruin the game and go out of order. THIS IS WHAT A NEW PLAYER TO THE GAME WOULD HAVE TO EXPERIENCE!!! Blizzard is telling new players, with their new starting zone and no Chromie time for them, that this is how they want you to get invested in your character and get involved with the game’s plot. And you simply can not complete it without either breaking the story.

Like I said, I refused to go out of order, so here is what I did. It’s a sad, stupid thing I had to do in order to complete it, but if you are as stubborn about doing the story in order like I am and need a solution, create this macro:

/script local q = C_QuestLog.SetSelectedQuest(61874); C_QuestLog.SetAbandonQuest(q); C_QuestLog.AbandonQuest()

You’ll have to put that on your quickbar and keep clicking it, and Darian Mograine will keep popping up and giving you the SL intro quest, but if you click fast enough while killing mobs, trying to read the quest text with people fading in and out, etc., you can eventually get through it.

It’s sad that this is what a player will have to go through just to experience the story of the game, you know, in game. But here’s a crappy solution in case Blizzard never fixes it.


I was trying to unlock the Kul tirans by doing all of their achievements and as soon as i hit 48 it locked me in Shadowlands. It wouldn’t pull up the next quest for me. I logged out and back in and it demands I do Shadowlands. I just want to unlock these allied races. I already have THREE characters in Shadowlands. Why lock me in?

I just want to put this here- I was furious that I could not complete my loyalist questline before doing the Shadowlands quests due to the phasing error.

Then I did the introduction and chose Threads of Fate w/ Venthyr. I proceeded to go back to Orgrimmar and beat Eitrigg using my demonic blood covenant ability.

Very cathartic. 10/10 would recommend.

(This also works lore-wise that Sylvannas might have given some amount of Venthyr power to her most loyal soldier through Denathrius and the Jailor and really plays into the idea that Shadowlands was endgame, not just a developer fever dream.)