8/10 MC 10/10 ZG is recruiting all levels and classes for our raid progression. We are a casual guild for the most part and new to the raid scene. We have been raiding for 4 weeks now. Currently focusing on lvl 55+. NEED: Druid Heals/Shaman Heals/Locks/Rogues.
Raid times: 40 man Friday/Saturday 7pm(invites) 8pm-11pm. ZG Sunday/Monday 630pm(invites) 7pm-10pm.
Our community has been growing at a very good pace over the last couple weeks. Discord is always popping and we have groups running most of the time. Whisper any of the Cretins for an invite. Raiders should inquire directly to Rizzii, Clannim, Babygojira, Lifestriker, Docious, Darktank or Upgreydd. Thank you very much for your consideration.