Crest question for the PvP crowd

Haven’t played much retail in a couple months and am trying to get caught back up. Are M0-M6 dungeons the best route for crest farming currently? Normal raids seem out of the question unless I do them myself. +2s also seem to be very serious business lately.

Can’t get many drake crests from M0 cause of weekly lockout. Maybe even better to farm them in low rated arena, but solo content is probably best if you can’t do normal raids.

I assume since you’re asking in the pvp forum you want to use some pve item for pvp, in which case you might have trouble getting the aspect crests necessary to bring your item up to pvp ilvl. You’ll need to do +6 keys or above for that

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so the whelpling crests you get from pvp / pvp boxes at any level of pvp can be used to to buy the drake crests, and drake crests can be used to by wyrm crests in a ratio of 90 to 15. However you need to have a certain item level in all slots before the vendor lets you do that.

I believe you need 489 in all slots ( conq gear) for the whelp to drakes, then 502 ilvl to make drakes wyrms. Then if you want aspects you can just do any pvp above 2100. ( if you get 2.1 in RSS on one spec, and switch specs to play at like 1800 cr, you still get aspects)

The vendor is to the right of the auction house.

Otherwise, farming keys / getting into raid is the way

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So maybe just some rando 2s? I’m not to worried about the aspect crests atm. I have enough to get the one ring I have to max I believe. RSS doesn’t seem too bad to farm them.


I forget at what rating you start getting drake crests. Maybe challenger? Could even be combatant, not sure. You start getting wyrms at rival I think but probably more efficient to just do +2 keys for those

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Welp, that’s poop.


Do the weekly quest. It’s called Last Hurrah, loot wpvp chests that drop, and do m0s for drake crests

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The air drop ones or the assassins? Or all the above? :smiley:

I know for a fact the wpvp air drop chest drops at least 5 maybe more drake crests. I imagine bounty bags do too. At the very least the first one of the day. I think the last hurrah quests gives 90 drake crests btw

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I think you get basically all the crests you need after 5-10 +6s. Ideally you get a piece of gear from a +6 thats the same slot as the piece you want to upgrade so it only costs flight stones and not crests.

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Yea, that makes sense. Since I don’t do any PvE, it feels like a lot more of a chore. Not that I’m complaining, but no one is inviting a 496 ilvl SV hunter to even +2s. I get it, but still kinda funny.

Ya, pve key lfg is even worse than arena lfg and it’s not close XD

You can also get crests really fast by just playing 3s/shuffle tho.

Yea, was hoping to get as much of my gear finished before playing again. >.<

Time to slay some dragons! woo :frowning:

Its EXTREMELY minor and youd be fine with just full conquest gear :heart:

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I have a fully upgraded seal on 3 healers just from winning games; it’s not too bad

The issue is the lower crests. =/

you can convert higher to lower 1:1

Seems like a waste, but I get your point. :slight_smile:

pvp is no doubt the BEST crest farm. solo wins give you 6x of any crest you earned in these brackets

1-1799 whelp
1800-2099 drake
2100-2400 aspect

theres nothing above 2400 but if you play in solo you get 1x for a loss 3x for a tie and 6x for a win (any number of the win)

m+ barely gives you anything and takes way too long for the amount it gives you

and normal bracket wins give you 3x for a win and 1x for a loss

this ^^^ if you play in the higher bracket and you farm highers you can just exchange for lowers using your brackets earned crests

My aim is to get some gear upgraded prior to getting back into RSS. :smiley: