Crest are now currencies in the new patch

Tinfoil hat material here… but i kinda feel like they enjoy seeing us always have to stop and manage our bag space/vendor crap. If i had to only vendor once per play session, i’d probably save myself a few minutes here and there lol

Also, random slightly related question for the peeps here, sometimes i vendor BOE greens/blues and the system automatically adds that mog to my collection if i haven’t learned it yet, but some gear makes me equip it first. Anyone know why this happens some times and not others?

The right decision, took too long.

The moment any new currency type item is introduced the first question should be asked “can I put this on the currency tab” And the answer should always be “yes”

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Currencies are out of control. I can’t keep up.


I wish they would remove some of the old currencies or allow a way to convert them to gold the list has gotten insanely bloated xD


I guess the same loot manager for Diablo 4 who made the gems clutter did this. Lol


They’ve been out of control since SL. Look at SL’s currency’ list compared to xpacs before. DF’s list will be the only one close if not longer.


Yeah. Would be nice getting rep actually playing the role I chose as a healer.

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Naw some of us love our World Quests thank you very much. And on top of that they should be every day not this twice a week crp.


What if I told you we could have both?


You can keep your WQs, they were just asking for something to be added as an alternative method for rep grinding

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I’m sure that is part of it. But also, the whole idea that people would just be beating their heads against the same trivial dungeons as a way to ignore other content is just a recipe for miserable players. People have proven they will take the path of least resistance no matter how miserable it makes them. At some point its ok to say if you want this thing you have to do this content that goes with the thing.

Mind BLown here lol haha

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I prefer a long currency tab to tons of random currencies in our bags. The best case would be if the currency tab were account wide, gold as well.

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