Creepiest spiders in WoW?

This one is number one imo, but all spiders are creepy.


Why did I click on this thread :frowning:


What’s wrong with spiders?


the multiple legs, the multiple eyes, the pincers, doesn’t matter how big their eyes are they are still creepy.


It’s cute. :blue_heart:


That big one from Ahn’kahet, the old kingdom. You could lure her all the way back to the entrance back in the day. It was so big that when it crossed the door bugged and appears to be walking on the roof, really creepy.

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Nothing. Spiders are adorable and helpful.

Y’all don’t know.

Sure when you give them big eyes. But look at the one I posted. Quite the opposite of adorable.

Nonsense. The one you posted is adorable too.

He’s just… misunderstood.

The one in Terokkar forest.
You know the one.


This guy haunted my dreams that night.

He threw his babies at me. What a horrible parent.





Kill it.


Jumping spiders make great pets.

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Kill them all!

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Well now, before you decide to kill all the spiders, here’s my favorite spider ever. He is just so cute! :smile:

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Spiders are good people.

Fun story, way back in BC when I was exploring Terokkar forest for the first time (on my lvl 64? warrior) I found this guy’s hidey hole. However, he wasn’t there when I found it so it just looked like a little dead end. As I’m turning around to leave he respawns directly on top of me. I screamed like a little girl.

P.S. His name is Terokkarantula for anyone wondering. He used to be elite but I believe Blizzard took that away from him.

Waaaay back in the day, I was passing through the Karazhan zone (Deadwind Pass? I don’t remember what it’s called) on my way to Swamp of Sorrows to quest and I paused for a moment to fight a buzzard. Spiders that I didn’t even know where there descended on me and scared the crap out of me.

To this day I can’t pass through there on a ground mount.

Terokkarantula is a close second. First you see the legs, then the whole beast, and a beast it is.