Hello everyone. I understand some of us still enjoy using the World of Warcraft Headset wireless or otherwise, but those of us who have had issues search for a solution and come up with nothing. The help from customer support is useless, nothing on the wow forums, and not even on other forum sites or the creative support manual.
Recently, I bought a wireless wow sound blaster headset for World Of Warcraft. I enjoy the voice fx and whatnot. After 2 days the devices mic and LED lights had stopped working and the only thing that would work was the sound.
After spending hours searching for a simple solution, all I found was more people with the same issue. Simple questions resulted in frustrated simple replies to answer them saying, “Yes, I’ve done that already” and “Yes the mic and the headset are detected as they should be and says they are working fine”.
Now for a real answer, one that will 100% restore your lovable headset to the way it should be.
The Fix:
Open your control panel, and click on “Uninstall a program” Under the Program button.
Uninstall anything that says Creative system information, and anything to do with your Headset. (Personally, I don’t think it matters much, but have found Realtek audio to result in installation of firmware being rejected because Realtek would not allow the installation of the required files for the old-school headset and compatibility for windows 7 etc…)
once done, before restarting the PC or anything (Assuming your headset is fully charged) Remove the USB insert for the Wireless Headset and put the cap back on it to ensure it’s safety and somewhere easily accessible as you will need it in just a moment.
Once you have everything unplugged in relation to the headset including the charger USB, go ahead and close out of any programs you have ope, then restart your PC.
As you log back in to your desktop/laptop, wait until everything is loaded that loads up when you normally start your PC (I give mine a 30 second headstart, in case there’s a program I forget to turn off the open at start of PC option.)
IMPORTANT: Ensure you have your headset OFF, this is important, otherwise your headset will try to connect to the USB when plugged in while trying to install the needed drivers etc… This can later cause any connection issues and can result in a loss of Mic connection while retaining only the basic use of the headset (listening to Hello darkness my old friend, by simon and garfunkle)
With step 6 in mind, go ahead and insert the USB Wireless connector into the back of your PC and the front ports tend to have issues most of the time. Your PC should pop up a message saying it either doesn’t recognize the USB device, which is good (It ensures that everything was successfully uninstalled and you can proceed), or it will notify you that your PC it setting up the USB Device, (Also good as this can be an assurance per last notification prompt). Let it set up the USB device before you continue.
Now this is where most people have difficulty, and it’s completely understandable as this is a vital part of the process to ensure your device/s are working properly. This is where we find the Correct drivers/firmware for the device. Note: Keep in mind, that the website that has the downloads might not work for your device. Also keep in mind that uninstalling the Realtek Device driver is the best decision i’ve ever made, considering the previous step mentioned above about the allowance of firmware updates installed upon Win10 installation.
Here is the Link to the exact file needed to be compatible with windows 10: support(dot)creative(dot)com/downloads/download.aspx?nDownloadId=11284
Enter in the addition security check, and then download and run it from internet explorer, not chrome (Chrome causes files to open in a different manner than internet explorer, and can cause problems, for example the google chrome page might store it into its own location where as internet explorer doesnt and allows you to run the program directly from explorer, though I prefer using chrome for browsing.) Once open just let it run and automatically installed.
This time I installed the firmware, I received a quick little notification confirming right away that the files and drivers were being installed, instead of just installing what files are available (and NOT the files that aren’t allowed by your current Realtek or alternate Win10 Audio drivers) for the Audio control panel and your wireless headset altogether. Once done, ensure your Headset is still OFF and restart your PC. We don’t want any connection interference with the USB whatsoever or this can cause the problems we’ve all had in the past.
Once your PC is booted up, allow your open on boot programs to load up. Open up your Audio Control Panel for your WoW headset, and Go ahead and turn on the Headset (at this point, I’d assume you already paired your headset with the USB before when you were having issues, this is why we leave the headset off when reinstalling everything. It might remember certain faults and re-image it and follow the same route for installation it did before.)
If your Headset is now displaying the LED lights, In your Audio Control Panel for the headset, go to the game audio tab. Check the enable voice FX box and select any voice morph and click test so as to be able to hear yourself in the mic when you talk. If you are able to hear the awkward playback of the modded voice, then everything should be back to normal and your headset fixed. In any case If any of the following issues occur in the future, Please refer to this guide, but I suspect you won’t have any more issues with the headset from now on. If so consult with creative for a refund or a new headset and I obviously know how to fix the product they can’t over support.
Enjoy your life, and happy gaming!