Blizzard needs to swap Cold Heart and put Inexorable Assault there in its place; we then need to create an improved Inexorable Assault (Frigid Onslaught?) where Murderous Efficiency is now.
→ Improved Inexorable would cut the duration in half to 4, improve the stack count by 1, consume two stacks at a time, and give Killing Machine procs a chance to generate 2 stacks.
Murderous Efficiency would go where Inexorable is now, Cold Heart would go where Horn of Winter was, and Horn of Winter would go where Murderous Efficiency was.
This makes sense to help the “sustained damage” change with trying to pull us out of a GO spec. There’s untapped potential with Inexorable Assault, especially with our mastery.
And while I’m at it…as a PvPer, please give Razorice a mortal strike effect.
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Inexorable Assault along with Avalanche both feel like they got left behind with scaling at some point.
What Inexorable assault is missing a way to generate stacks. Maybe if it was only consumed on non KMs and then KM refunds a stack.
I really want something in the kit that trigger our Auto attacks to be frost damage. Maybe IA could be redesigned to make our Autos Frost damage for 5s after consuming KM. Similar to Envenom.
At this stage in PvP i think FDK almost NEEEDS razorice to be a stacking MS or D&D needs to be 20% heal cut when standing in it and 4s after leaving. Maybe just cleaving strike apply a MS for 4s. FDK needs it for shuffle and to open it up to more comps like playing with casters.
My mentioned Improved Inexorable Assault certainly addresses stack generation.
I agree that these talents certainly feel “left behind”. Majorly.
It’s not a bad idea on the AA frost damage for IA; I think they could just up the proc of Icy Death Torrent and reduce the damage of it to help with that though.
FDK needs MS or some kind of offshoot like Necrotic Wounds. Perhaps FDKs do more damage to shields? Just need something.
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A MS would be great, but hell they could even do something as simple as a talent called numbing cold, frigid wounds or whatever and have a KM absorb 6% healing for 15s stacking 3 times and granting an absorb shield for health absorbed
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I can dig it.
Something is better than nothing at this point.
At this point MS effects aren’t niche anymore. FDK, Ret, and Enh are just missing them. Out of the 3 FDK needs it more to open up comps and secure Shuffle kills.
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I do worry a smidge about hybrids having MS effects.
Alternatively they just prune MS out of the game. The fact they are present in 90% of games now just means that heals are tuned around a 20% heal cut always being in play. just Prune them out and nerf healers. The classes like Arms that keeps MS will need its damage adjusted to compensate for having a strong mechanic like a heal cut.
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Id personally call it Necrosis.