Not to beat this dead horse, but i remember blizz lifted this restriction sometimes in 2022 before tbc relaunched. any chance we can scrap this old restriction early so people can play with their fragmented friend from across cata/retail. idk maybe its just me?
They’ll lift it on the anniversay realms for TBC.
If you’re playing on Era you can just play on a different server on the same cluster.
My Horde are on whitemane my alliance are on anathema, for example.
This somewhat occurred when they clustered the servers, and even now on the ERA servers, you can’t create a Horde character on a PvP server you have only an Alliance character on but not a Horde. However, you can break this by transferring a character of the opposing faction to the server.
So assuming you’re playing on the WM cluster, just pick different servers for horde an alliance is the best way. For fresh, since you can’t transfer to the PvP server, this will also be out, and is something they likely wont implement.
Make alliance char, delete, make horde. Character restore alliance. Bing bang boom. Been this way since like 2005.
Just be careful not to find out, like if the realms ever get locked for an extended period.
I think character restorations were a much more recent feature, like some time around Legion maybe, and iirc, it was 90 day cooldowns.