CRBG's ruined BG's not Premades

I like Cross Realm for WSG.

It adds a variety of teams to the mix so you don’t play the same people over and over and it adds an additional layer of competition since you could go up against anyone. If anything QoL in WSG is better in classic than it was in Vanilla.

I don’t feel the same for AV though. It feels like a toxic mess with all the chaos and it severely limited your ability to play with friends or groups of people.

Lol, it’s not a horde versus Alliance problem. The problem is with the sub population of pvp players. Ignore non-pvp players, they dont matter when discussing a pvp problem.

In this case, as in modern wow, pvp players opted to play Horde in greater numbers than Alliance. In the past it’s been the other way around at times depending on expansion.

In any case, right now, if you are a pvp player and you are playing horde, you are directly contributing to pvp population imbalance. It’s as simple as that.

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Me: “What makes you think Horde players are more likely to queue for BGs than Alliance players?”
You: “Are you dumb?”

Solid contribution

-Majority of players are Horde
-Majority of BG queues come from Horde

Are you REALLY that stunned at this phenomenon? rofl

I loathe CRBG with a passion. I think its the sole reason why we have the entire issue with pvp that we have. I miss knowing the names of people you fight on your own server. With that being said though, I would be content settling with battlegroups over CRBG.


You misspelled RGB.

Yeah. I dont know why you all are disagreeing with Williams. He is correct. Cross Realms suck. They absolutely do.


This isn’t true. This is a false assertion. Alliance population is very slightly larger, but the overall populations are equal. Get that through your head.

What id like to know is how CRBG even became a thing in classic? Where polls taken or something? How did we end up with CRBG’s?? Did blizz just feed us this thinking they were doing the right thing? Its killing the community once again…Which is one of the main things i wanted back!!

There were massive problems with realm only BG’s in vanilla. Very few realms actually had consistent and fun queues for BG’s. Many of them had major queueing problems because of either faction imbalance issues or just low pop(you think hour long queues for AV are bad now try realms where only 1 or 2 AV’s might pop an entire week). A lot of realms also had ranking groups who thought it was their right to control BG’s.

CRBG’s were a solution for both issues.

For a majority of servers, the reason why there would be such a long queue time is because of faction imbalance.

And if that’s the case, we SHOULD give large queue times to the dominant faction. If they want to worsen the faction imbalance, they get to wait in BG queues all day. They can either reroll or transfer to a less imbalanced server.

All CRBGs do is worsen faction imbalance because it attempts to “hide” it so to speak. While BG queues may be “okay” the underpopulated faction is dominated in every other aspect of the game because of this imbalance (ie. open world, PVE, economy etc)

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I personally think crbgs are a necessary evil. At least you still need premades around which are not cross realm. You start to recognize names standing by the battle master.

As for premades ruining it for puggers, pug vs pug might not be bad. However there should be no reward. That should be left to the pre mades. As a pug, there is no social aspect and you can hk chase all you want. Its less work. Less accountability. No way you should be able to rank solo.

Part of the issue with que times regarding AV was the fact that those 1-2 games might LAST an entire week. That’s why a lot of servers had long que times. WSG and AB on the other hand had pretty short timers.

CRBG’s are not necessary at all. You can accomplish the same exact things with battlegroups. You can throw all the PVP servers on one battlegroup, and all the PVE servers onto another. Dice it up how you want from there.

Well. Battlegroups is still cross realm. What blizzard can do is make cross tealm smarter. Put in priority. First match up those with your own realm first. Then others. Treat each realm as a whole.

They can match players of similar rank, etc. This way they can identify the casual pvper and not match them up witj a premade.

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Battlegroups are still CRBG’s. If you want to get really technical, we’re already split into two Battlegroups in NA:

Unless that has since changed.

If you honestly think that, then I have nothing to say to you. nothing intelligent can come from speaking with you.

It’s freely available meta data you clown.

It’s blizzards fault and the easy mode kiddies that went horde.

You are vastly undersestimating how easy it is for 1 team to kill a que if the server is small enough.

You keep running into my team over and over and getting no honor you’re not going to be queing much

I’ve played other MMOs where this happened and even as the second best team on the server…Ruf life queing into losses over and over. We did git gud doing that tho, there was no honor farm in that game tho.

Whoa there turbo, some of us re-rolled Alliance specifically for PVP…

While its not yet common I do think more Horde will re-roll alliance in the long run, I just hope it happens sooner than later because doing so does not mean you have to give up your old character.

I sure as heck did not abandon my Horde character, I continued to level him after the massive zerg died down on Whitemane and now we raid there too.