Started running Time Walkers finally, seems like it’s a ‘kill or be killed’ situation where the tank gets 1-2 shotted and everyone’s health is rapid fire up and down. Is this a new change and I’m just late to the party? Oddly enough, sunwell dungeon seemed perfectly fine, but not the others I ran. Tanks had about 12k health in sunwell while tanks in other dungeons only had about 6k.
Is this more blizzard tuning schnanagins? Atleast everyone was chill in the runs, if we wiped, we just ran back and got back to it.
The scaling of mobs is crazy, but also the scaling of players is crazy. I know it’s “fun” for some people to put together TW sets that allow them to steamroll content, but when not everyone is wearing those sets, it can turn TW runs into ridiculous chaos where nobody but the geared players is actually getting to do anything but follow and hope that the tank holds aggro. Looking forward to the changes that will make these dungeons actual dungeons again and not tweaked out roflstomps.
I did hear about TW sets before, I didn’t look at anyone’s gear at the time, but everything was definitely dying quickly. That part is fairly common from what I remember, I’m just surprised to see our own health bars so fragile.
Bosses getting 3-shot
Mobs getting 2-shot.
Players getting 1-shot
For me, the scaling reveals itself when I go from being the highest DPS in one run by 50% (and I’m not even wearing TW-specific gear), to being the lowest DPS in another run by 50%. And I’m playing the same way every time. And everyone’s level is supposed to be normalized?
I don’t expect perfect balance between the classes and specs. But something a little more comparable would make a more satisfying group experience.
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Ok at least I’m not the only one scratching my head!
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