Crazy Suggestion for Alt Heavy Accounts

OK, bear with me, I suspect I’ll get a lot of flames, 'cause this is kinda radical…but I have an idea.

I’ve been playing for 17 years, and over the years IRL friends would come and go, and I would make characters on their servers to play with them. I enjoy playing alts, and having most professions covered, so I would create and level multiple characters on each server I had friends on.

With the new interface, and the cross-server everything, I have a giant jumbled list of redundancy. I have 6 Druid “alt-guild-bank” banker toons on different servers all managing their own dedicated guild banks. 7 hunters, 5 DKs, and 3-4 of every other class.

With the original reasons to keep characters dedicated to a server no longer being relevant, and being able to play with everyone cross server, this just seems like a lot of database bloat.

…So to my crazy suggestion.

What I would really enjoy is the ability to merge characters. I don’t need 7 hunters. Most will never get played again. I would love to be able to merge my Horde hunters into one character, and my Alliance hunters into another character. 1 hunter on each faction is all I would every really play going forward. Then with the merge, achievements, kills, items, time played, etc, etc, would all just get merged to the one I pick as the primary. The rest go away.

That would trim my character list closer to 20, removing probably 35-40 characters that I would never play again.

What do you folks think?

Not worth the raid tier we would lose for Blizzard to develop and implement this? :grin: Or maybe some seedlings of a decent idea?

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I think you should post this in Geneeal Discussion, because suggestions will be ignored by Blizzard when they’re posted in Bug Reports.

That’s where I thought I posted, it, but somehow flubbed that up. thanks for pointing it out.

I’m going to repost it in general. I flagged it to get it removed. So we’ll see how that goes.

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