Crazy Stuff in Coldridge - Bots? What is this?

Probably old news here, but what are these guys doing? Is there anything that needs to be done? Should these guys be reported or anything? Not worth it?

It’s known as “Pool Boosting.”

The way it works is that if you get 15 or more Honorable Kills or more, you are considered “active” for PvP for that week. The PvP ranking points are rewarded based on a percentage cut-off the total honor earners for the week.

As an analogy, let’s say you toss a handful of pennies into a water fountain during the week while a few other people toss in dimes, nickels, quarters, etc. By the end of the week, the money in the fountain is collected and you receive a portion of the overall amount. So, let’s say you’re unhappy with the amount you received. You want more, right? So how do you get more? Simple: you increase the amount of people contributing to the pool.

In PvP, the larger the pool, the more ranking points there are to be earned. This means people can use those points to achieve their desired rank sooner. Fewer people means you have to do PvP longer. This is where the bots come in…

In the end, what you saw was a bunch of “burner” accounts made for boosting the PvP pool.

To go back to the fountain analogy, you start noticing there’s more and more pennies in the fountain. Where did those come from? The amount of people throwing money into the fountain hasn’t increased or decreased, so what’s going on? Well, later you find out that there’s a factory that just mass-produces pennies and dumps them into the fountain once a week in order to artificially inflate the pool.

Bot accounts do this by spawn a thousand low-level rogues, fly to a graveyard, get 15 honorable kills, delete character, and the PvP pool is boosted. This keeps the high-ranking PvP people happy.

Now, what’s odd about this is that Blizzard did a hotfix where deleted characters wouldn’t count as part of the total pool of PvP participants. A lot of folks thought that would be the end of the “Pool Boosting.” But, for whatever reason, Blizzard reversed their decision.