Crazed abomination going beneath the floor after charging

in the underkeep delve i had 2 crazed abominations weakened 1 of them did some type of charged and slipped under the flooor and now i can’t kill it or complete the delve


Was on my Dk at the time and was using abomb limb i think as well

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Same thing happened to me on my druid. My 2nd abom went through the floor after getting weakened and came back up maybe 10 seconds later. My last abom got weakened, went under the floor, and just never came back. I stayed in combat the entire time too.

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The same happened to me after one abomb charged another. i finally unalived myself and the last abomb was back above the floor, in weakened state


Same here. Third abomination slipped under the floor and stayed there, casting Armored Shell over and over.

Edit: I was able to kill my character by jumping off the top of the staircase in the central room over and over (although healer Brann tried his best to keep me from doing it) and that reset the glitched abomination, putting it back on the floor in its not-weakened state


Add me to this list. I’m in Underkeep right now with a full clear and “in combat” because the last of the crazed abominations has vanished. Although thanks to Enhanced Sight I can see his silhouette through the floor.

Same here, my last abomination went under the floor as it charged me and never left, making me stay in combat as well. I tried to move all around the delve to see if it would pop up back but didn’t work.

Edit: I was able to reset him back to our plane of existence by dying, by taking fall damage from jumping from the ledge on the central room.


I also had this happen with 2/3 abominations that I stunned while on stairs (I had to go to a special spot at the bottom of the stairs for them to return from …below!)

Still seems to be a problem as it just happened to me.

My serrated bone spike appears to be very, very slowly killing him since it stays in effect until they die or leave combat…

Same issue. Bugged through the floor. We finally found him below the bottom floor and waited a while, wandering and he finally popped back up.

Ugh, this is currently happening to me on a +11, and I have one life left.

No idea why he isn’t resetting with shadowmeld.

Update: was able to fix it by just relogging. Didn’t reset the delve progress and homeboy was running around the map again and attackable.

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This has happened to me every time I’ve tried this delve, very annoying. I’ve now had it come back up then go back down three times.

Need to do this as Breadmeal states above - I was able to kill my character by jumping off the top of the staircase in the central room over and over (although healer Brann tried his best to keep me from doing it) and that reset the glitched abomination, putting it back on the floor in its not-weakened state.

It’s not easy to kill yourself in here - it takes multiple leaps and you have to be quick to stay away from Bran as much as you can so he doesn’t heal you.

There’s a much simpler solution which someone in the thread already mentioned: just log off and then log back in on the same character. You may need to do it at one of the checkpoints.

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I had the same thing happen in a +9 but weakened the abomination in the doorway up the stairs before he dropped. Went invis to break combat but Brann got aggro instead and we got stuck.
Ended up killing myself from jumping from the stairs multiple times (despite Brann trying really hard to save me lol) so Brann could despawn, and about 15 secs after, the abomination quickly rose back up into the map in its weakened form and started running again. We then could kill it and finish the delve.

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Quickest way to kill yourself to unbug him is to stand in the rotating flames

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Im coming to this thread 3 months later with the same issue. Luckily killing myself off worked. Would be nice if they fixed it

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Just had this happen to me too. The Crazed Abomination had fallen through the floor. After a couple minutes of trying to figure out what to do and eventually googling this thread all of a sudden the abomination appeared next to me again and I was able to finish it off.

Bumped, same issue here. Abomination fell through the floor, so I had to get one of the other mobs to kill me to reset.

This just happened to me on Tier 6.

Had to get myself killed to reset it.