Just joined a group and took the cue and was immediately kicked out of the match (not the group) and was given craven. I was doing a quest in Revendreth as one of the small golems. I don’t understand why I would be locked to the BG… I didn’t leave the BG or the group… the game booted me out of the BG. Why wouldn’t I be able to rejoin the BG?
Had this exact same thing happen to me as i ran through a portal after accepting the BG queue invite
Yea, it’s odd. Had it happen in arena as well. I take the queue and just get locked out. The screen loads in and as soon as its done, I see a new loading screen going back into the world.
I have the same problem today, any fix?
Same here, the mini map button is greyed out and no option to zone back in
I didn’t miss the queue either.
Still an issue on mid March…can’t zone back to my group.
Still not fixed lmao, if u accept a queue near a portal u will get kicked from rbg and cannot rejoin. GG
@blizzard its still not fixed, why cant i rejoin an on-going BG as I do an instance? seems silly. . .
just happened to me… stuck on loading screen and then kicked before entering with “craven” debuff… now cannot join rbg team for the game
And it happened to me again. Start to load in. Get kicked. Get craven… This time for a skirmish. IT ALSO kicked me out of the bg’s i was queue for… Another 15 minutes down the drain. So stupid.
Fix this please!!
Still a bug. Just happened for me in an rbg. I was doing nothing but sitting in Oribos and hit accept. Got ported to org with the craven debuff and could not join.
Just happened to me today multiple times. I clicked enter waited on a loading screen and got spit back into Oribos.