title - pve players should have to pvp to get pvp rewards
The crate farms aren’t for “PvE players” avoiding PvP. They’re primarily for PvP-focused Horde players trying to farm Conquest since Alliance consistently outnumbers Horde at nearly every crate.
They do? Or are you referring to bloody tokens as rewards?
Also, not for nothing, but a smaller group of PvP’d gear horde players would probably roll over a larger group of PvE alliance anyways.
OP, you need to just turn off War Mode; World PvP isn’t for you. You are very clearly the PvE player, lol.
These horde raids literally cancel crate fights from the game. It’s not a question of can you cut it in the world PVP, it’s whether or not 40 man raids are appropriate for content that’s designed for disorganized skirmishes.
It’s akin to those world first speed levelers who have a group of people propping them up. Yes it’s technically fine that it happens, but it really drains all the fun from playing.
The overwhelming amount of Alliance is the reason Horde groups have to make raids though. If you go to any crate as a solo horde player, you’ll be met with 15+ Alliance players due to the population.
Horde has to create parties to have enough players to compete. Should they just stop letting people into their groups at a certain number you think is appropriate?
People gotta do what they gotta do.
Oh, look - another whine thread!
“People are grouping up… in an MMO!”
There’s nothing stopping you all from making your own groups/raids/communities. Fact is you were enjoying the status quo where you could just roll up to any crate solo and have a 5 to 1 advantage over a smaller Horde population.
How do you think Horde felt showing up to crates only to get steamrolled by 20-30 Alliance? Sure, those Alliance players might not be in a coordinated raid group, but the sheer numbers they have in War Mode regularly outnumber Horde. Crate farming groups only became a thing because of how often Horde was outnumbered in the first place.
In my server group, it fluctuates based on time of day. During primetime, Alliance has a pretty firm grasp on crates. However, afterhours, the Horde have the crate locked down.
Either way, I view it as good wPvP. I wish Alliance would group up more, but we have too many anti-social nerds that would rather complain about it on the Internet, instead of group up with their faction-mates in-game and actually do something about it.
I think it’s a good thing that players, in a PvP environment, can hinder other players from progressing PvP content. If we aren’t willing to fight for it, we don’t deserve it.
lol alliance crying about being overrun?
All the rerolls getting big sadge. You love to see it.
“What?! Alliance isn’t getting free crates anymore?!”
yea… The WoW PvP community is weird.
Everyone has their own opinion of how things should be done and expect others to follow.
You see people complain about follower dungeon abuse to live, then use something like the general proc to hearth to live.
Or complain about people who go and get buffs like it’s an unfair advantage then join premades themselves to have an advantage. so on and so on… And they always justify it by basically saying “They’re clever, not being cringe” or however they word it.
In reality nobody cares what anyone else thinks. The sooner people realize the only person who has to play the way they think the game should be played is themselves… the better.
I don’t want anyone getting overwhelmed with zero shot. When I see you in the world, I know you roid up on as many buffs as you can and hunt for solo players. I have no problem with that, if you catch me I will fight you off or escape if that’s not my current deal. There’s a chance in the moment there.
PVP when there is no chance of winning, or PVP when there’s no chance of losing is all bad.
I hunt for all players, not only solo players
It’s fun fighting against the 4-5 man group and killing them.
Yeah but the thing you’re ignoring is that there’s no chance in the moment a majority of the time for Horde players in War Mode when it comes to fighting for a crate. The only chance for Horde players are when a shard is dead and there’s no Alliance (which is usually late at night) or when people form crate farming groups.
I agree the previous status quo was also bad, but it’s not as bad as it is now. I think it’s fair to say if either side is too dominant then the system is broken.
I think crates should go back to less conquest for subsequent crates, more blood tokens (that are actually useful for something), and gold/mats. Right now it seems like horde raids are primarily motivated by easy conquest farms. Shifting the rewards might make “lazier” players less interested in a murderball group and leave the players who are in it for the actual combat.
I think it balances out, since in my experience, Horde win 7/8 of Battlegrounds. Crates are about the ONLY way alliance can work together to get a reasonable amount of Conquest Tokens; even then, if the crate lands in an FFA area, alliance will kill each other until the create despawns, showing everybody out of the drop.
Hmm… In my experience, battleground wins feel closer to a 50/50 split rather than Horde dominating 7/8 matches.
Plus, Alliance can mercenary queue as Horde, which lets them join the Horde side for battlegrounds when their queues are longer. And with patch 11.0.7, battlegrounds are now cross-faction, making it even harder to gauge true faction balance in instanced PvP. The only area where faction differences really still matter is WPvP and world content, where Horde crate farming groups only formed out of necessity due to being consistently outnumbered.
They’re not actually cross-faction. More like an enhanced merc mode.
Not “fully” cross faction but you can queue with friends now cross faction at the very least. Many of my friends play both factions and it’s nice to be able to finally play with both in randoms. But yeah hopefully they’ll just get rid of the Merc and make it similar to BGB.