It’s doing this fairly often, both on my own mount and from a flight point. I fly into a wall, everything goes blue (like I am underground maybe?) and then the whole client freezes.
This happens to me every time I enter the caverns. I get the message: “You do not have permission to perform that function.” The only time it didn’t happen was the first time, during the intro quest chain.
While I was completing the introductory quest chain leading up to Loam, I did hearth out of the caverns to Valdrakken. Perhaps this is related? When I flew back in after hearthing was when it first happened. I got the error messages and hit the wall. I’ve also encountered the blue space. No freezing or crashes for me though. I have to /reload and the rest of the cavern loads properly. It doesn’t seem to be as bad for me when I’m on a flightpoint, compared to dragonriding.
I was never able to fix this issue, and have gotten no response from Bliz. Basically just had to stop playing.
This seems to happen reliably for me, the first time I dragon-ride down the Azure Span entry to Zaralek Caverns on any character. When you are almost at the bottom, you warp inside a wall, stuck, with your character plate showing 0hp but not dead. The menu works but Log out and Exit game do nothing, you have to kill the game.
When you log back in, you resume flying on your dragon.
Another guildy experienced the same thing.
Same here, just noticed it for the first time the other day, and have had it happen twice now within a day or two across two different alts. Game lags for a second, catches itself, lags again, then just hard freezes. Only seems to do it from the Azure Span entry into the caverns.
Yep the azure span entrance def bugged. just flew in throught 10 diff characters when trying to do my flying dailies… all froze when flying through azure span… blizz needs to fix this garbage asap
Can this be addressed please? Its super annoying to almost always have to restart your game when you want to enter this zone.
Flew through Azure span entrance and had multiple instances of game lagging ang then completely freezing. Quests on side all condense, and character’s health goes to 0.
Azure Span entrance has frozen my game three times.
Yep, Azure Span entrance consistently freezes the game, necessitating an alt-f4. Can’t believe this hasn’t been fixed yet.
Crashed using the Plains entrance on two different characters today. Same spot when you’re nearing the end of the tunnel into Zaralek.
I thought it was just me with those messages …
Another crash. Plains entrance. Same spot it always happens.
Again. Crashed entering from Azure Span.
same for me …get stuck in a wall at the last turn to enter the cavern. how can this is not fixed yet
Still happening, this time on the Iridikron’s Gambit entry way. (The Northern Ohn’ahran Plains Entry)
Hello, fix de bug come on. I get stuck in the wall again and again
This happened again today. Feels like the dozenth time.
Please fix.
For the last week, everytime I enter Zaralek Caverns from Ohn’ahran Plains, I crash into a wall near the end. This has never happened to me before until recently. I land my dragon, wait a few seconds and the wall eventually disappears and then I can keep flying again. Very frustrating as I lose my momentum
Guess what!
It happened again.