Experiencing consistent, frequent crashes since 11.0.
Some world quests, Memories event (Hogger is fine, Stitches can freeze 70% of the time, Dragonflight seems fine, other Dustwallow Marsh ALWAYS freezes every quest).
Flying, pressing Skyward Ascent.
Sometimes just moving the camera left or right.
Game isn’t playable, feels awful. All addons disabled.
8/5 13:45:48.376 LogOpen
8/5 13:45:48.376 World of Warcraft Retail ARM64
8/5 13:45:48.376 macOS 14.5.0 (23F79) arm64
8/5 13:45:48.376
8/5 13:45:48.376 Apple M1 Pro | Sockets:1 Cores:10 Threads:10
8/5 13:45:48.376 32.0 GB System Memory
8/5 13:45:48.376 On AC Power - Battery Present (100%)
8/5 13:45:48.377 Adapter 0: “Apple M1 Pro” family:Unknown type:Integrated location:0 driver_date:02-May-2024 driver_ver:(0x0) vendor:0x106b device:0x0000
8/5 13:45:48.377 Monitor 0 “(null)” Size(1920x1080) Pos(0, 0)
8/5 13:45:48.377 Choosing low power gpu: “Apple M1 Pro”
8/5 13:45:48.377 Compat Settings: Disable Opt Features:false, Disable Device MT:false, Disable Cmdlist MT:false, Disable work sub optims:false, Disable async frame end:false
8/5 13:45:48.377 GpuInfo: sm:mtl_1_1, rt:None, vrs:0, bary:0, mesh:0 pull:1
8/5 13:45:49.152 NotifyOnDeviceCreate
8/5 13:45:49.153 Metal Device Create Successful
8/5 13:45:49.153 Using shader family mtl_1_1
8/5 13:45:49.153 UAV format support RGBA8:true BGRA8:true RG16F:true RGBA16F:true
8/5 13:45:49.153 No
8/5 13:45:49.153 Detected Graphics Defaults: 5 (CPU = 7, GPU = 5, MEM = 7) WindowSize: 1920x1080
8/5 13:45:49.153 GxLowLatencyMode: None
8/5 13:45:49.257 Render Settings Changed. New Render Size: 1919x1151 (1800x1080 @ 106.7%)
8/5 13:45:49.257 GxLowLatencyMode: BuiltIn
8/5 13:45:50.119 Render Settings Changed. New Render Size: 1919x1095 (1800x1027 @ 106.7%)
8/5 13:45:50.123 Periodic Gpu Status Report: Mem Budget: 0.3GB / 21.3GB (1.2%)
8/5 13:46:05.746 Render Settings Changed
8/5 13:47:30.581 Render Settings Changed
8/5 13:47:36.202 Crash Summary: EXC_BAD_ACCESS: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000000000000A0
Incomplete logs, or incomplete information about mac (such as hardware specs and macOS version) isn’t helpful
Moronai we need to know everything
Tundra we need full crash log. if it generated a crash it should be in errors folder (within wow folder)
Found the source of the issue-
Unchecking the “Async Resource Creation” box under Compatibility Settings in Graphics ended the problem completely.
All other new graphic options seem to be fine.
Still doesn’t answer the question. we don’t know your specs to know why that work around works. but since that specific work around does work, it is likely a limited resource thing (maybe low memory configuration?) and async resource creation is too demanding