Cranky Quarantine Thread

“Mr. Ion, are factions finally over?”

“We’ll see, son. We’ll see.” Ion gently pats your shoulder as a sign that says “FOUR FACTIONS!” is quickly tarped and wheeled away in the background.


Remove this.

My only regret is that I couldn’t be more vulgar.


Maybe like…the Maw isn’t so bad and there’s like waterparks and luaus all the time and no one ever WANTS to leave?


There’s a place where the stakes are literally higher than life and death. That’s right, thanks to the Bronze Dragonflight, in 10.0 we’re going back to High School.

Will you make Stormwind High’s varsity team? Is your crush already taken for the Eversong Academy’s formal? Are you ready to face the wrath of our new procedural generated dungeon: puzzle game detention?!


I now kind of want a Warcraft dating sim where everyone’s a teenager; especially if it’s like DDLC and ends up being a horror game in disguise.

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Will the high school mean girl, Sylvanas Windrunner, realize she secretly has a huge crush on Steve Dan…er I mean Nathanos Blightcaller?


I’m pretty okay with it overall. Cool new worlds and systems, returns of legiondaries but in a far better way to acquiring them.

The Sylvanas BS is pretty distasteful, but I can get over it if they do to her what they did to Gul’dan in Legion.

oh don’t mind me, I’ll just be over here, vigorously writing down my new Warcraft High head canon


I’m now picturing all the couples they’re setting up as awkward teenagers. So thanks for that. Thanks a bunch.

I aim to please…

…myself by spreading misery.

All I ever wanted to do was study!


Jaina is the new student teacher who worries because she is too good at her job and makes the actual teacher look lazy

Greymane is the psycho football coach who takes everything WAY too seriously and thinks that it’s literally life or death. And by football, I mean soccer, because obviously he would be that guy

Velen is the old librarian who everyone thinks is creepy, but only because they can never understand what he’s talking about because he can’t speak in anything but elaborate metaphors. Except for Anduin, who is the nerd that basically lives in the library because everyone keeps picking on him and it’s the best place to hide.

Sylvanas is the bad girl who never goes to class because she’s always too busy smoking in the bathroom. Her burnout boyfriend, Nathanos, doesn’t even go to their school but keeps sneaking in and no one can figure out how he does it.

Thrall is the guidance counselor with a very bad track record of giving the right advice to students, even with the best intentions.

Lor’Themar is the hottest teacher in school who is completely, blissfully ignorant of this fact. Do I really need to even explain this one?

Saurfang is the local sports hero from the school who keeps coming back to talk about how he won that big game thirty years ago during his senior year, but no one has the heart to tell him to shut up about it


The narrative seems to be exactly how it was for Legion, honestly.

Gul’dan is to Sylvanas, as Sargeras is to the Jailer. The end of WoD served to get Gul’dan to our world, as BFA served to killing a ton of people to power up the Jailer and have Sylvanas gain enough strength to break the veil.

I can only hope she dies as soon as he did.


So…Saurfang is Al Bundy.

I dare you to prove me wrong on that, it just fits too well :open_mouth:

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Well, now I have an image of Saurfang sitting around with his hand in his armor now.

All he’s missing is a bimbo daughter.

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“… this SCHOOL… is a prison.”

“Relax Sylvanas, it’s just a school dance.”


I’ll stick to the infinitely more superior shadowbringers as opposed to this shadowlands nonsense yawn.

Oh by the way Torghast is a pretty funny way to spell Palace of the dead.


you guys okay in here?

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