Cranky Quarantine Thread

I hope they make an xpac where one option of the story veers you to helping rebuild, progress and generally improving an entire zone. The place is left far better for our characters having been through it.

There can still be the over the top destructo story available too, just totally separate.


I think this would be really nice. It would actually encourage a different variety of quest types/objectives instead of the usual “Kill 10 (X)” and “Need 20 Bear Flanks”.

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Even if we have to go with “the Naaru told the Draenei to do it, isn’t the light morally grey” route, it could still work if they, y’know… explained the Naaru motivation at all.

In the scenario, Draenor is dying. Why? Are the orcs killing it? Is the Shadow Council somehow resurgent, killing the world with fel magic? Has the Shadowmoon tribe continued to delve into the void and necromancy, threatening life on the planet and acting in direct opposition to the Light? Are the Naaru saving the planet by converting the Orcs, or is it just a dogmatic, evil crusade?

Well, we’ll never know, since the “Light Mother” Naaru mentioned in the scenario never even appears and we only get the Orc side of the story. I would like it if the Alliance got to interact with Yrel and the Lightbound to get that side of the story, but I doubt we ever will. Certainly doesn’t look like it’ll be relevant to Shadowlands at all.


I feel qualified to speak on this not because I have a Hordie that has done that scenario (I just can’t pin down a character!), but because I spent the day farming Mythic WoD Dungeons and Raids.

You know what WoD actually had a lot of? Lots of Void-y stuff and things about afterlife and souls.

Ner’zhul was dabbling with Void magic and even tore a hole between Draenor and the Shadowlands before we put him down.

Gorefiend ate souls. Like a LOT of souls.

Chogall. Just…Chogall.

There’s a Void-based creature who makes a point to scream about tearing holes in the world.

If Draenor is dying, it’s because the wounds of the conflict that was WoD went deeper then we realized. Also there’s the fact on Outland, we see the Arrakoa trying to summon a copy of C’thun and we never get any insight on that on AU Draenor. It’s entirely possible Draenor has an Old God infestation, and we never bothered to mention those things to anyone on Outland.

  • Everyone will be funneled into the same area at the beginning of the expansion, but the team is confident they can handle the server stress this time around.

… Yeah, sure guys. You’ve specifically tried to design to avoid funneling people for several expansions now, but this time it will really work, trust us.

I’m not even like, specifically agitated, this is just dumb. It’s going to be a mess if you shove that many players through any kind of bottleneck. Why would you plan for that instead of planning to avoid that, after some moderate success doing so?

  • As of right now, Allied Races will not be receiving more customization options with the original races.

Ah. Well, there’s that.


next art showcase: night elf male revamped to be actually somewhat handsome viciously t-posing over grape faced nightborne male


I should just edit my post but I’m lazy, I’ll edit this one if other stuff filters in. I’m just ripping bullet points from MMO-C, do your own research or whatever.

  • The original races will keep the same Death Knight starting experience that exists today.

Oh… Well that’s kind of interesting.

  • Allied races and Pandaren will have a new sliver-of-time Death Knight starting zone that will show a short intro experience, interaction with Bolvar, and then you’ll be sent off into the world. It takes place before Sylvanas shatters the helm.

Ah I like how- Wait I’m sorry, so we’re doing more dumb garbage where “This happened but JUST before you’d think it would so you conveniently were out of the way for that thing that happened”? I guess that’s to be expected.

  • Horde and Alliance will have the same narrative experience in Shadowlands.

But we can’t group up… Amazing.

  • The Heart of Azeroth will not continue into Shadowlands.

Pack it up ladies and gents. It’s over.

  • Bolvar will play a major role in the narrative. We will get to find out what the years spent as the Lich King has done to him and his motives during previous expansions. He acts like a guide to us in the Shadowlands.

Well… At least he’s not just one-offed. That said, I’m perpetually torn by how stupid the idea of yet another character corrupted by nonsense is going to make this dull versus Bolvar just being effectively undisturbed by the hat before he lost it.

The team will figure out the best way to deal with unlocking Allied Races with the level squish and act accordingly.

… Just give us the god damned races Blizzard. Just stop the bull crap. Just make them a quest that you do or whatever within the content they come from, at worst. This is not rocket science.

The Shadowlands is specifically made for mortal beings. Demons souls do not go there.

What the actual F does that even mean.

New class-race combos are decided on based on the lore. They like having certain races not have access to every class, but there is always the potential to add new ones.

Lie to me harder Blizzard. Just spit right in my face, talk smack about me to your pals when I’m in the room, I truly appreciate being disrespected so directly.

You do realize that as nerds, your playerbase will inevitably and perpetually out-interpret your own lore for you right? No amount of retconning will save you.

Anyways sorry for the big mess, I don’t recall if we’d discussed half of that and this is the mad thread so I got mad.


I was there for WoD’s launch. I remember the crashes. I remember the crashes before the expansion even went live. I remember them desperately shunting people to PANDARIA to ease the burden on the servers.

“We must be quick and complete the mission to return to the Black Tempeeeeeeeerrrr I mean Icecrown Citdael.”

No Demons allowed. Sorry Demon Hunters, you can’t come play in the Shadowlands.


Damn I could’ve sworn there’d finally be High Elves, and this was their compromise.

Kinda actually bummed. I don’t personally want to play a High Elf but a lot of people do.


< screams in Lightforged Draenei >

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when you get an expansion of sub-races and then an expansion of new race customization but there’s still nothing resembling a high elf playable on the alliance:


Wouldn’t be Blizzard if they didn’t include a “except the race you want to use this change for” gotcha.


Anyway, Brother Bobby just made like $181M using stock buybacks that are entirely legal and questionably moral so there’s that.

  • Evil is a state of mind
  • Sylvanas’s interests aren’t always aligned with the living
  • Going to Shadowlands for revenge is beneath her, she has grander aspirations.
  • The pact made with Helya was part of this, there are dots to connect and hints along the way.
  • If you sided with Sylvanas, you carry those memories with you. Maybe she’ll remember down the line and it’ll influence things.
  • Battle from Azeroth is far from over, we’ve got another battle ahead.

– Ion, from an interview

In case you guys didn’t know, Sylv’s interests aren’t always aligned with the living. Unsure if you noticed that but yeah.


Literally every single line of that summary is a new level of rage for me


“Remember, Genocide good. Killing innocents good. Raising to try and turn your opponent’s dead brother into a weapon against them good.”

“Fighting to stop that? Bad.”


Revenge is beneath her but the sole, motivating force behind her entire character for like, 9 years, was revenge. Literally stated to be the only thing that mattered to her and now it’s beneath her.


No. No it isnt you half baked rotting sack of wet donkey fur.

Gosh gee wilakers and here I thought the Banshee queen loved the living all the time. Thanks for settin me straight Blizzard.

Revenge is beneath her except when it’s her guiding character trait for 3 expansions.

Oh good because I was super worried that we’d be done with this bus fire of an expansion.

Dear Blizzard,


Editing this away. You can’t be too careful in this age of corporate spying.

I don’t think I’ve ever been in a meeting that wasn’t utterly pointless.