Crafting thread..?

So I was looking for a list but I suppose there isn’t one. I wanted to offer for any raiding guild or M+ community, I am currently a Tailor/JC with 392 on several slots.

I can make 392 Cloak/gloves/Helm/Slippers W/ missive. With the embellishments as well but it trickles down to 389. I can also make 392 rings and necks after a couple crafts I’ll be able to make it W/ the missive as well. If anyone needs these made for Tuesday feel free to send me the order. You can also send whatever commission you want, I’m not going to deny an order if it’s not a 10-20K commission no problem.

My characters name is Saucy (the a is an alt code so hold alt and use 131 on the num pad)!!

Also for anyone that has max level stuff feel free to drop it below. I may need a weapon once I get the primal infusion thing so.

Best of luck to everyone on Tuesday, may bosses die and drop the fattest loot.