Crafting system in TWW has me excited!

So from everything I’ve read or seen it looks like the crafting system in TWW will be all around a massive improvement over DF.

Largely due to NPC Crafting Orders and the tie in with Knowledge Gain.

NPC crafting orders mean that everyone is guaranteed to have orders to fill for quests and achievements. NPC crafting orders will be the way to get knowledge. Knowledge will be capped and if you are behind in knowledge you’ll get more orders. Some NPC crafting orders will even supply some or all of the mats you need.

All this means that noone will be able to get massively ahead and corner the market the way they could in DF. There will be a way to advance even on servers like mine where there are zero public orders. It’ll be easier to catch up on alts or after a break. Wins all around!

I am very excited!


I predict whining from peoples that will still say that the catch up will not fast enough for them.

I hope that NPC crafting orders provide an alternative gold making mode for those who don’t want to do dragon races / world quests. It’s one pet peeve of DF for me that it’s hard to just casually make gold with DF professions, because lower ranks of enchants for example lose price much more rapidly, and if you don’t stay ahead of the curve to learn golden quality, you’re effectively majorly underwater and it only makes sense to sell mats for gold after that.

In the past it was better, because, for example, I was able to make some nice pocket gold doing weapon enchants from mats that I got doing content even if I started later in the expansion. In DF, I tried to focus on sophic devotion, and I was just plain losing gold trying to achieve the gold quality level, because silver quality sold for peanuts.

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Perhaps you missed elemental shatter to add to the insight thus guaranteeing r3 enchants? I too will be glad to be rid of inspiration mind you.

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It all sounds like a big QoL leap forward to me. Glad to see the iteration.

All in all, I’m happy they made crafting relevant this xpac. This is the most impactful it’s ever felt towards gearing.

I really hope they start including embellishments in tuning passes though. It would also be nice if swapping only an embellishment on a piece of gear always resulted in at least the same quality, to encourage different builds or embellishments based on content.

Really bummed fang adornments had to live in shadowflame tempered patch’s shadow almost the entire expansion.

So this means the crafting orders system they introduced in DF is staying for future expansions? Does this also mean people will be able to place orders on crafts from previous expansions now, or will it just be TWW and DF?