Crafting Orders for alts

Hey Guys,
My warrior is a blacksmither and he has all the ingredients to make the Primal Molten Warglaives. I want to get it on my DH, but for some reason i can’t figure out how to make an order so i can make for my DH.

Things to keep in mind…

  1. my warrior has the ingredients, but my DH does not
  2. having trouble creating the order
  3. Primal Molten Warglaive is a BOP craft

Is there a way to craft this for my DH by creating a work order?
I tried to on my DH but it says “cannot create work order at this time”
I am really scratching my head on this, i need yalls help!

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You have to go to the work order place search the item, click on it then set the work order to personal and you enter your bs name with a tip of atleast 100g your bs will get the order and you have to make it at bs table.


So you can make it so only that crafter gets the order?

Yea set the order to personal you have to enter the name and only that character will get it.

but do i have to have the mats on the character requesting the order? My blacksmith has the mats but my DH does not?

You just need the mats on the one filling the order. Sounds like you are good to go.


The character receiving the item MUST supply any BoP materials like the spark of ingenuity or primal chaos. The only mats that can be supplied by other characters are BoE mats like alloys.

If your DH can’t supply the BoP materials then no warglaive for them.


Ahhhh, thanks for the info!

No dont need to have any mats just uncheck all the mat boxes.

Ah, this takes a load off my back then. I can just gather the parts and make sure to get my smith up to snuff for the daggers and my leatherworker for the armor and I should be all set.

I used to craft my own orders but then it wouldn’t work anymore. The secret is to send at least 100g well there we go I am a tightie even to myself! Thank you for the help!

The last time I sent crafting orders to an alt I only needed a 1 silver tip.

All my alts are in my own private guild though, so I sent them as guild orders rather than personal ones; I don’t know if that makes a difference.

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Same. Guild order and 1s tip.

Also, change the time to 12 hours so the fee is only 5g vs 20g under 48 hour timer

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give the none bound items to your DH, have the spark you want to use on your DH and makes sure to start the order as your DH in a personal order requesting your blacksmith character by name. Supply a fee and then your blacksmith will get the personal order and just needs to craft it finishing the order. You can even get them reforged the same way when your crafter has a higher skill level should the weapons not be the best tier and you want them tuned up or whatever

Necro thread, op figured it out last year

still useful… thank you!!