Crafting can be done from the warband bank when personally crafting. However, when supplying materials for crafting orders, the materials in the warband bank aren’t available.
hopefully this is a bug/oversight and not intended. As is this makes doing the crafting system quite tedious.
I just reported this too. Imagine doing treatises on each of your characters and having to go to the bank and physically put the herbs and inscription vendor items on each of your characters to do this.
Yea I noticed this too. I had to go to my warbank to get the mats. to bad the reagant bag we have isn’t like 100 slots
Same issue here too, just doesn’t make sense to have a warband bank that you have to take the reagents out of to complete the crafting order.
Just wanted to add that I experience this too, and really hope it’s not intended. The warbank has been a wonderful feature, one of the best decisions the team has made recently. Please fix!
Blizzard, please fix this! It’s very annoying to have to go back and forth to the bank to fill crafting orders, or blow the CD on the distance inhibitor.
same same, and i gots little legs, so its hard to run!
Another issue - when placing a work order if you are tracking the recipe it will say you have everything but when you go to place the order if it’s in your warbank it will not count towards the reagents.
Please fix these issues, it kind of defeats the purpose of a warband bank if you constantly have to go to the bank and remove the items. More mailboxes than banks, easier to mail them at that point.
Yeah, I hope this is just an oversight. It is awesome having all of your mats in one spot for crafting, but, if you have to keep running back there, it sucks. It works fine for normal crafting, just not for fulfilling orders.
I’m pretty sure this is in place to keep people from inadvertently using their own mats for public orders on accident, however, I’m not a fan of being penalized for people who are oblivious. We need to stop protecting those people so they can learn. IMO
There is already a popup that says you are using your own materials, if someone clicks though that it’s on them.
Look, you tell Blizzard that. I already stated it’s foolish nonsense. But I would not be surprised if that is why.
It’s a bug, Blizzard is aware and they’re working on it.
Was really hoping they had fixed this already. It is beyond annoying. Every time I want to do crafting order I have to go grab the stuff out the once place it is easy to store and normally use it from.
Yup, doing crafting on 13 characters is really getting annoying.
And while people just say use the mobile bank, that’s not really helpful when you have to go to 2 crafting tables. You still will have to go back to the main bank at some point.
This seems like an insane oversight after they already made crafting so time consuming…
This makes crafting with multiple alts so difficult. Especially with patterns that require materials from other professions.
So much flying back and forth to the bank.
Husband said it’s in the next major patch notes to be fixed, I haven’t read them yet. They need to hurry up already, shouldn’t have to wait for a patch when we were promised this in prepatch.
Fix this already.