Crafting Heroic Trinkets?

I was trying to look on my Inscriptionist to see if there was any trinkets craftable, all I could find was a breakdown of Darkmoon Decks and PvP trinket

Is there anyway to craft a trinket?!

There are no crafted PvE trinkets other than the darkmoon decks, which aren’t crafted exactly but are instead assembled by acquiring all 8 cards and right clicking to use one. You can craft some pvp trinkets, though I don’t see a reason one would want to it is an option, but other than 577 darkmoon decks, you cannot make trinkets for PvE at present.

There is the Alchemy crafted trinket. You may consider it a PvP trinket since it provides Versatility before the additional bonuses, but it is crafted with a Spark of Omen.