Crafting gear should not have a level

I can understand the epic gear being 70 locked. But the green and blue set are nearly worthless. I should be able to craft an entire set for someone at 60/1 and then reforge it every level if I so desire. This nonsene where 3 pieces are 61, and the rest of the set is 70, and worthless, is such poor design its insulting.
Why can’t i put a 64 training matrix into the chest or legs so I can wear it at 64 with reduced stats? Why can’t I just craft the whole set at 61 so it has some use for new alts straight out of timewalking? Why not just have the optional reagent slot determine what level its forged at 61-70?
Crafting needed an overhaul and I still feel like its useless 99% of the time.