There you go guys, you’ll never have to step in Korthia again since so many are against it
There will be no excuse on why catch up gear is hard… 233 is more than enough as crafting gear
There you go guys, you’ll never have to step in Korthia again since so many are against it
There will be no excuse on why catch up gear is hard… 233 is more than enough as crafting gear
Hey…embarrassing to admit as a leather worker, but I haven’t touched the game again in a couple weeks, and flat out stopped trying on my profession a year ago because of some requirement, I don’t remember, for the Crafter Mark.
I can Google/Wowhead it, but thought your thread was relevant so I’d just ask?
Random GDer:
‘But I want mythic-level gear from WQ’
I’m being good - lol!!
I’m curious if the Sustaining Armor Polish will stack. Increasing the duration of flasks, elixers, and food buffs could be pretty nice. Some of the other ones are also pretty nice. Erratic Genesis Matrix could be good on a tank. Magically Regulated Automa Core would be good for any role.
On topic of the crafted gear, will there be a weapon 233/262 crafted weapon this time around? What about trinkets?
Not directed at you - just adding potatoes to the stew.
O boy, and I was really curious if someone would quick answer my question without me having to go to wowhead…and read and read…like I’m doing here learning nothing. Lol
Are you saying all us GD people are taters?
I realize this is one of your weekly troll threads… but you have no clue at what ilvl the mob difficulty is set for…
that was really clever
GD is the stew
Why is this a problem?
Current crafted gear is 200 with a single piece 233.
It’s literally the same.
I gotta stop reading! I read that first word completely wrong! …
If the mats are ridiculous then I’ll just rely off world content for my gear. I’m an alchemist I’m not crafting anything beyond the trinket and even that’s not useful anymore outside of bfas version.
Okay, this doesn’t fly:
is currently assumed to be a reputation reward like the previous Crafter’s Mark recipe.
Of notice, all the new Crafter’s Mark recipes use less normal reagents than their previous counterparts, but have a significant quantity of new Zereth Mortis materials: First Flower (Alchemy),
Progenium Ore (Blacksmithing, Engineering, Jewelcrafting),
Protogenic Pelt (Leatherworking) and
Silken Protofiber (Tailoring).
*Crafters Mark III requires honored in Korthia Deaths Advance.
Still require dungeon runs for material. mmm, just don’t see how this helps*
Still think professions are a mess, and have been since BFA.
I cant remember the last time professions had any relevance. Maybe tbc era? Wrath?
They tried to make professions relevant again by tying legos to them but all it did was serve to make it ten times worse, especially when they tied player power to it.
That ticked me off. Big time.
Only the rich players can benefit from them truly. Even a rank 4 cape on my server is been sold at a whopping 75k. Rank 6s they want over 200k. That’s utterly ridiculous…
I have a max leather worker. The vendor mats were way over my price range to make the base pieces.
In my view, there was some things in Vanilla, but that was more because I wasn’t really raiding. But man, that robe of the archmage took forever to build. Farming essences of water was such a nightmare.
BC gear was pretty strong, with a downside of no stamina on some pieces. At least for me as a cloth caster. Honestly, probably a bit too strong overall. I swapped to a warlock midway and wore crafted gear and was clearing Black Temple and doing solidly compared to the hardcore raiders in my new guild.
There’s been a few times where raid recipes and drops were pretty strong, but eh. Limited accessibility really, so not sure we’d consider that relevant?
WoD was pretty dang solid where you could have raid quality gear in 3 spots. Any 3 spots. You could craft pieces for every slot(…I think at least) but only wear 3 at a time. Flexible, and powerful. I’d say this is probably the best rendition of crafted gear from WoW? Of course this got the inevitable “Why can’t I just wear stuff in every slot, this is STUPID BLIZZARD” complaints though.