Crafted item support needs to be better

Not quite as black and white, I’m afraid. GMs are there to lend a hand with policies the development team have set for them to adhere to. There can sometimes be exceptions made, but even those exceptions have another set of rules to adhere to.

GMs aren’t there to assist with everything that might happen in one of the games across their catalog, and this just happens to be one of a rather long list.

The last thing someone in a service industry role wants to do is say “no.” Often they don’t have a choice.

“Anything” is not the subject, however. There are many things that they can help with, and there are dedicated ticket categories paving the way through the support site.

This is just not one of them, I’m afraid.

You’ll want to post constructively in any feedback forum if you’d like to see those policies change. Professions would be best.