Built my pc a few years ago runs WoW itself on highest settings possible and pretty much all games I play.
Where I live we’re prone to dust building up. Out of all PCs I’ve built or bought this is probably the only one I’ve had this issue with.
My question is has anyone ever cleaned it out before their PC that is and changed out thermal paste and still had this issue?
PC parts where I live are hit or miss we don’t really have a dedicated store to buy parts besides 1 and the parts are usually over priced due to shipping costs and turning profit.
Will be attempting to clean it out on Saturday and hopefully problem is fixed but at this point I just build a new PC just due to parts being old, or PC is fried but this PC is about 5 years old only.
PC is fine if I’m running stuff like OSRS on browser or just looking on the web but if I run any games that’s when the cpu ramps up and overheats even on games with lower graphics
Check your cpu cooler, see if it’s functional and if it’s controlled by the motherboard controller. There should be a test for fan control on the bios. Not sure what you’re using, fan or water. If water cooled, check the condition of the coolant.
Also your case fans. You want to make sure one is pulling in fresh air while the other pulls out, you can probably look for a filter like material to reduce dust, but make sure it’s still moving air.
Even if the CPU cooler is running fine, having your other fans run properly is important as well and could cause overheating issue if they go out.
For the record, 5 years is a long time for computer hardware. 5 years nowadays is usually overdue for a full upgrade just because of hardware advancements.
i’ve checked bios states fans are kicking on full speed when CPU ramps up heat wise. sadly it seems to stay stagnant unlike when the PC was brand new when i turned on WoW in general it would kick on so loud sounded like a damn helicopter taking off. now it looks like it’s just set at 1 speed despite i try to change it in bios.
im using nocturna i believe it’s called supposed to be a good brand an equivalent if not better then AIO water cooler so some claim.
fans are pulling in 1 side and pushing out the other. other then that though all the fans are working they just simply don’t want to kick on higher then they currently are im not exactly sure why. turn the PC on, go on internet then go on WoW and it’s the same speed regardless which is like say 1 out 4 speed.
computer works fine otherwise i could leave it on all day long no CPU overheat issue but if i start up a game 99% of the time it will just crash the entire PC. 1% chance it will not and thats very slim after say 50 restarts
ended up finding out the Razer program somehow kept my fans from kicking to max. turned that function off so now they are at full speed at all times.
game still crashes however. CPU and GPU temps dropped since as well.
If your fans aren’t ramping up and they’re approximately 5 years old it’s very likely fans are no longer any good. The the fans themselves end up with dust in them. I would actually try replacing the fans on the cooler. 5 years is actually a long time for a fan inside a computer case especially in an area that’s Dusty. When I lived in the Philippines I would end up junking fans about every two and a half to three years and they weren’t cheap fans. Yes they can last longer. But since he mentioned they are not ramping up .
possibly. i live in Hawaii but even at my old house it gets super dusty. Never got to the point where i needed to change it though the PC just got so old that i would eventually just build a new one at that point. 5 years in though is meh for my PCs.
at the point where i just want to build a new one but aint got the money for that; currently saving for a new car which is more needed.
i was at the store yesterday tryna look for thermal paste/spray to clean out the case but sadly none of the stores had any. not surprised like i said we got very limited stuff when it comes to PC parts here. 1 shop but everything overpriced would be cheaper just to buy online and get it shipped for free.