Cowboys where you at

I mean. I’m in arizona. But I’m just a city slicker. Sometimes I like to honor my heritage by playing games like Darkwatch or wearing the Great Wroggi armor in Monster Hunter since its cowboy themed. ( Also cmon THE WROGGI BOW LOOKS LIKE A GUN THAT IS HYPE )

And now a relic from my tweens

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Same, the hat my toon is wearing right now is the closest I could get to finding one, and even then it doesn’t look like a cowboy hat, kinda sad really.

The Cowboys are still crying because San Fran beat them.




oo wee oo wee ooooo… wah wah waaaaah intensifies

I was gonna post this. Been watching the 80’s Vevo channel on Pluto TV and that video has shown up more than once. lol

This song did pop into my head on the subject of cowboys.

Could have always gone with this one as well:

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LOL Another one I had forgotten.

It’s why I’ve been having fun watching old 80’s and 90’s videos. Get to see stuff you had forgotten about. :grin:

You have my condolences.

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When it comes to 80’s pop trivia, I’m an idiot savant. I could have even posted this one:

Not QUITE a cowboy song, but it gives off that vibe.

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I’m a cow man.
I think your transmog needs more belt buckle.


Mammas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys

You’re absolutely right, what’s a cowboy without a nice belt?

Yeah, in hindsight, it was kinda stupid of me to not give my transmog a proper belt, I do have you to thank for mentioning it however.

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I feel like I should offer you my condolences.

I was a fan of Justified, but I don’t like how it makes the feds look good. Not how I view them IRL.

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Not seen one. But a gunslinger or sheriff class would be fun.

Cowboys are better than pirates but still rate lameo on the fantasy scale.

Pirates > Ninjas > Cowpokes

This is the correct order.

Pirates have ships, rum, and scurvy. Scourges of the high seas, with sailor mouth and a f***-all attitude. Absolute barbarians that would have no problem disemboweling you with a rusty knife and preferred it that way. Fear was a tool and they mastered it.

Ninjas had to train themselves to have silent farts and were feared. Hitmen of the highest order that would make no sound until it was too late. Entire lives in shadow and secrecy. Pretty much real-life rogues with thrown weapons and all that cool dark cloaky goodness.

Cowboys rode horses, killed natives, and burned cow poop. The guns are cool, but that’s about it, and not unique to Cowboys. Not scary unless you didn’t have white skin. The name has “Cow” in it. They live in the South and still exist today.

I only do that in Old Republic.

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