Cowboys not allowed?

Whats up with hunters not having 1 handed guns or cross bows?

Ever tried to hunt with a pistol?

That’s why.


Also never seen a deer turn into a owl then a bear or walrus either. Use your imagination lol

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Survival has a one handed crossbow. Outlaw has a one handed ‘pistol’.

I mean couldn’t you just use your imagination too and pretend the gun is in one hand?


for each hand tho? didnt say

Then we need to get you better voodoo.


Pistols aren’t primary weapons, they’re back up weapons.

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lol why so mean

Well Brann an NPC Hunter will be getting a pistol in S2.

He’s way ahead of the game than your average player Hunter. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


What about as an ability . Like when using barrage or something? Rogues have something like that no?

A hunter with two pistols would be pretty cool.

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Just dishing out what was provided.

I’d try a 1 handed gun if it was a transmog appearance to our current weapon!

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That’s actually a really good point that we haven’t gotten anything western themed.


thanks. That al I am saying

You can with a magnum lol

Dual wield hunters would be cool, but then we go back to all gear is hunter gear.

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Think Dirty Harry

saving it for Tinkers…
