Cowboy class for 10.0!

Housecat Class and race. A race of felines who’s main abilities are napping, scratching, zoomies, eating and shedding.


I’d love a Cowboy/Cowgirl class, as long it came with a Western-themed zone. Could be fun and a welcome respite from cosmic threats.

Yes please.

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I think the Cowboy order hall should be a ranch, with plenty of rams. Also with showers large enough for 18 cowboys at any given time.

Which a Tinker could do.

You mean the goofy aesthetic of being a gunslinger and support class with tech rather than a lasso made for wrangling bulls and cows? Do you really think a lasso or brand would work against a demon or dragon?

The past two classes that were added, Monk and DH, wear leather. We don’t need another. Tinkers could use mail.

Well. Yee-haw!

puts on cowboy hat and wiggles toes

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This kind of makes me miss my Spell Slinger on Wildstar.

This town ain’t big enough for the both of us. Unless you brought cookies, pilgrim.

1000 yard stare

Don’t do this to me. I already have panda pirates, now y’all gonna make me have to create panda cowgirls?

I think having Hot Dog Vendors (ranged combat) and maybe some Police Officers (melee only) as classes people can play would make this game more inclusive.

Isnt the Rogue sort of like a Cowboy class? Just have a dual wield pistol spec and its done!

yes. they’d be magic

anything other then a tinker class and ill play it.

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No more cosmic nonsense. No more cringey Thanos villains.

It’s time for WoW to get back to its roots. Cowboys are so distinctly Warcraft I have no I idea how they haven’t been implemented yet.

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that’s right, pardner! :cowboy_hat_face:

Vaquero class!

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a better idea would be a gunslinger spec for hunters. l similar to marksmanship, but all about rapid attacking rather than single big-hits. i mean… i’d play a gunslinger spec… it’s what my original hunter was based on (sort of, i based them off the box-art for red dead redemption zombies).

We do have tons of recoloured horses so they would be almost done making the class sooooo.

I’ve always thought that “Gunslinger” could be a fun spec for a rogue if done right.

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