Covid is NOT over

A recent study showed the vaxxed and boosted make up the majority of covid deaths.


The funny thing is, liberals (and liberal-leaning organizations/entities) basically “made” Elon what he is today. Pretty much whenever I see a Tesla out in public it’s always some upper-class/wealthy “nerdy looking” liberal behind the wheel - you never see a regular/average person driving one

So it makes all the “outrage” regarding him that much more amusing/entertaining… he basically “double-crossed” the left (took their money, but decided to do his own thing instead) :joy:

I don’t really use or dabble in twitter myself, so from my perspective as an “outsider looking in” it is pretty amusing seeing all the meltdowns/crying playing out currently

Like the, it is here to stay, and yet two years later and I only tested positive for it once, but had absolutely no symptoms. Then, I don’t get sick very often either. Covid is here to stay, so best we all get used to that fact, but the pandemic is quite over.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Come again?

Stop this nonsense.


Me and my wife were vaxxed as well. We got it from my son who got it from work and spread it to his wife and kids this spring. My son who isn’t vaxxed and I got it the worst. Coughing and felt like crap for several weeks. Took probably a month to feel normal. My wife felt not great for a week, daughter in law was run down for a day, 3 year old granddaughter was tired for a few days, 3 month old grandson had a bit of a cough. Yeah I’m not sold on the vaccine. Covid is like the flu and cold now. Some people get hit by it worse than others.

That you should find real research instead of made up stuff.

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Been trying to avoid it to the greatest extent reasonably possible. It’s highly unlikely to kill me since I’m a healthy 30something who’s not overweight, but the potential neurological impact could greatly impair my ability to do my entirely-mental job (programming). It would be like a carpenter or blacksmith losing dexterity in their hands.

I went on my first trip abroad in a LONG time for work purposes maybe a month or so ago and had a bit of a scare… a few coworkers ended up testing positive after they got back home. Given the timeframes involved I think they caught it in the airports on the way to the destination… I passed through the same airports as some of them but was wearing an N95 while being up-to-date on vaccines and didn’t catch it.

It kills me because there are places I’m itching to go more than ever but doing so means risking my livelihood.


It’s not like the flu and cold. This one can give long term effects, including heart disease, neurological disorders, breathing disorders, and many many more. Flu and cold don’t do that.

You do you, I’m not judging, just giving some info.


Search Washington Post " Covid is no longer mainly a pandemic of the unvaccinated"

Keep getting vaxxed if you want, but stop politicizing medicine and demonizing people who choose, for their own health needs, to NOT get vaxxed.

Stop saying people who choose to remain unvaxxed are “lying” when they’re not.

And stop pretending you care anything for science.
Science objectively looks at all angles and arguments in order to find solutions.
Science doesn’t shut down data and observation just because it doesn’t match your politics.


it’s hard not to politicize a political issue. If anything, vaccines shouldn’t have ever been a partisan thing but i guess here we are.

I don’t demonize people over whether or not they get vaccinated, however I do think people who purposely spread wrong information about public health care should be called out.

Vaccines are a small aspect of a broader herd immunity and that immunity is only as good as people will allow it to be.

Science is pretty important, imo

the scientific method is also a tool to scrutinize arguments that don’t work very well. alternative facts aren’t worth toilet paper


Yeah what gets me is when people cite links their wine mom aunt Becky posted on Facebook to some site nobody’s heard of about covid being part of the moon men’s secret plan to conquer Earth.

I’m receptive to new information but it needs to be coming from someone with credentials and preferably reproduced by multiple scientists.


You do know that he was given millions in government subsidies that he didn’t have to end up repaying, right?

As a liberal myself, I hate Tesla and think their cars are pure garbage.

You’re right about the average person driving them, most people on the right are poor and can’t afford them.

It doesn’t bother me at all that Elon is rich. I think it’s sad how he treats people but everyone on the right treats people poorly.

Lastly, I don’t care if Covid is real or fake. I’m glad to not have to work next to people on the right and can just do a teams call. I’m glad it annoys the hell out of you people that I wear a mask. My life is just fine. If Covid is real and long term is a thing, I’m going to laugh my butt off at so many on the right suffering in ten years. I’ll still be driving a Lamborghini, still living next to the beach, and still be safe. :woman_shrugging::coffee:

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That’s rich coming from you LOL

It’s endemic, so you will catch it again and again.

Covid isn’t over, but the emergency period where it first emerged is. We know how to treat it, keep the spread low etc. etc. In the first year none of that was true. The fact is, covid will never be over. It’ll always be around now, like the flu.


The good news, at least the lockdowns are over. My company no longer enforces a mask policy.

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I have been near a cougar, not bad unless they are protecting their young. Would not want to get close to a tiger though.

My company still requires a mask unless you show that you are vaccinated. Only reason I got vaccinated was so I would not have to wear a mask at work, since it is miserable.

I am not vaccinated and have tested positive 3 times due to my career environment. Not one single time was it severe.

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For us in melbourne tbh we kinda treat covid as the flu now. Sure we isolate when we tested positive. But people just dont care anymore. Saying that we’re probably 1 of the worst off in the world w/ lockdown. We were lockdown for over 2 years and people were just over it