Covid is NOT over

At least I won’t have to worry about working next week for DF release. :stuck_out_tongue:

(PSA this is NOT the way to get a vacation.)

Like seeing those signs in the bathroom at restaurants telling employees to wash their hands Heh.


Yes, those are… disturbing.

I mean the same people who believe COVID is a hoax are the only ones who would have bought any kind of belief it was also “over” too. Actually educated and intelligent people, however, were never under any disillusion.

Too bad we don’t live in a country that prioritizes isolating sick people in the interest of public health and safety. The reality is we’ll just continue to struggle and keep this constant yo yo effect where people get sick and still remain active in society despite being sick and infecting others and spreading all the varying contagions around instead of just staying home and recovering.

And the really unfortunate thing is people who otherwise can’t be vaccinated due to legitimate health reasons (not “muh rights” or stupid faux religions ones) will be the ones paying the worst price for it.


My cousin and I had a summer job in a fancy restaurant as restroom attendants. Maybe one in six people washed their hands, and only a fraction of those that did actually used soap.

Most people just rinsed.

And be just as deadly (now)

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I have Cowvid, a tauren gave it to me.


Feel better soon.

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I caught it once and the worst part was the physical weakness. Not feeling strong enough to do things I’m normally capable of doing was just awful. I went to roll out the trashbin and felt like I could barely tip it back on its wheels.

The shortness of breath was very minor but I assume that’s because I don’t smoke or vape. Had a slight headache that would come and go, and felt tired and fatigued and wanted to sleep a lot.

I feel for anyone that’s overweight or struggling with diabetes that may happen to catch it.


Just gonna get worse with folks traveling for holidays.
My ma’s friend had to go to the ER like 2 days ago for her Covid case. Sucks.


Me and the fiance got it awhile back. Had it easy for us. Small fever and body aches for like a day.
She went ahead and got vaxxed, I didn’t.

Get to feeling better op

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Neuropathy? Or mental stuff?

The signals from my brain are now slower. Can’t multi-task anymore, I forget words, etc.


I haven’t had to do CPR on a COVID positive patient for at least a month in my small town.

Which is nice. I was getting really tired of that.

Or CPR at all. For a bit. Which is also nice.

I got really lucky. Somehow I haven’t knowingly come down with it, despite entirely too many exposures (sometimes without enough PPE – roll up in the ambulance or the fire truck and SURPRISE IT’S HELLA COVID).

Treatment modalities are a lot better if you need 'em, and most hospitals are not flooded. Though I know for a fact that I’m not the only EMT/firefighter who has developed a thousand yard stare over the past few years.


Covid will never be over. It is endemic. Sorry if you just found out today. :frowning:


I never got vaccinated … I got it twice with no problems


I thought the mask was to prevent one from coughing on others, not to filter the air.


I well knew that already; I was just venting for the few who might still think it was actually done with.

You are fortunate. I had a friend who delayed getting vaccinated until it was too late; they died from it.



Wow I’m sorry. I got neuropathy a few months after vaccine. I don’t think the vaccine can do anything to you that covid can’t, but the spike protein in the vax could have given me neuropathy. Or it could be autoimmune idk yet. Also got intracranial hypertension like 4 months ago. Was healthy all my life before covid. My condition leaves me unable to work too. Were you able to get on disability or anything? I heard it’s so hard to get in America.