Covenants - They aren't working

With raids, M+, and the new PvP season coming, it’s obnoxiously obvious that they aren’t balanced and some specs are way more lucky then others.

Many specs are having to choose a covenant to be good in one form of content, while being bad in another. And yet some specs and classes have covenants which are good for all forms of content AND every spec. Imagine being able to freely swap specs with no potential loss. This disparity is honestly disheartening. Having a covenant that’s good for single target and AOE, as well as all the end game content is just… broke.

I have really been enjoying playing through Revendreth but it’s painfully obvious it’s not the right choice if I want to progress my character. I enjoy the zone and much prefer it over the other ones. I’d like to continue to play through here, but I know it’s going to be an issue once I start pushing arena and M+ again.

You had a great idea Blizzard, but this is honestly frustrating. Why did you have to link key abilities to what story the player might enjoy most? It just doesn’t make sense. Not even two weeks in and I’m already over it. I wanted to give you the benefit of doubt… People said wait… Give it time! Well, we did. Launch was delayed and here we are. The disparity in power between covenants is absurd and they are in NO way balanced.

The fact I’m getting nearly one shot by some specs says enough. Please fix this.


#PullTheRipcord - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (


I’m liking it. I love being a Night Fae Brewmaster.


You’re enjoying your lack of options?


I have plenty of options! I’m enjoying committing to this one. It is the best Covenant after all.


That’s great. What does that have to do with the issues other players are having? Do you think being more locked to a covenant is giving you that much more enjoyment, even if its to the detriment of other players?


I want Ruffle ASAP!! Make it require renown 4 please or boost me to renown 27 because I just want these cute little birdies. :heart_eyes:

I need this pet ASAP please help, let me donate a river of anima from all my alts to get renown 27 soon <3

I will delete my Demon Hunter if you let me get Ruffle today. I will sacrifice all of their anima, and they will become a permanent anima fountain for the Kyrians. In exchange for renown 27 :wink:


What issues? Struggling to minmax and play the game as an excel spreadsheet?

I guess! I can’t decide anything Blizz does but I’m having fun with the system they designed.


How dare you, this is General Discussion. No positive comments allowed!


I felt like this at first too. Even posted about it. Amd after reading comments from others it really did make the simplest sense. I chose the one I like. However that works out is not my fault, it’s Blizzards. I’m not going to be a brainwashing demon angel or fel fae no matter what they offer. If it becomes so impactful that I can really feel it in my day to day play, blizzard will be to blame not me and blizzard will be the ones not getting paid by me. They don’t change a thing until we start leaving in noticeable numbers


Night fae should be renamed to night Chad because it’s the best covenant. I feel bad for the noobs who have to choose other covenants


i just find it funny blizz was too lazy to do a unique ability to each spec, it would open so many more possibilities


That’s not how it works

I haven’t been a spread sheet at all but I’d really like the option to use the orbital bombardment that is the night fae ability for hunters, my desires may change later on down the track and I may require a different set up

What happens later on down the track if I’m doing arena and find my self getting really high up but my progression gets halted because I didn’t take the most powerful choice that is what is making a class set up super powerful

Dumb argument, stop using it and if you think it’s a good one you have a very limited scope of the game

Ah 200 player kills, I see now


So do that! It sounds super fun!

Change your Covenant, or get better? The odds of you playing the game so tightly that your Covenant choice will be what makes or breaks you is teeny.

But play the game how it’s fun for you! It’s fun for me to be Night Fae and see how hard I can push that :3


Oof, you sure got me. Here, I’ll make it clear to anyone that doesn’t want to go scraping my profile to try to make some kind of point: I don’t PvP! :smiley:


A few things

If you PvP and PvE it changes what you’re looking for in the game

Often times it’s some abilities can shift your class a lot in PvP to a case where it’s no longer “get better”, if you’re trying to push arena rating you’re going to get to a point where you want to be at 100% the whole time and doing something like changing your covenant because you need to PvP ability to climb but you’ll lose all the other bonuses will hamper your progression a lot

If you think the difference is minor you haven’t seen a kyrian sub rogue vs any other covenant of sub rogue

Some people got lucky, their best ability happened to be in the covenant they wanted
Some didn’t get that lucky
Some players got torn between activities they do in game


or maybe just maybe, they shouldnt balance pvp around pve shrugs

id still love to know what abilities are broken because right now the only two ive heard about is vengence sigil (which takes 3 seconds to arm, so just move out of it) and the hunter aoe (which again is stationary so just move out of it)


I agree they shouldn’t but that only backs the fact up that we should be able to swap stuff around

okay and what are the broken abilities?

I’d say you should probably prioritize what you want to focus on and put that first. I very, very seriously doubt you’re not going to be able to PvE in your PvP Covenant if that’s the most important thing to you.


Kyrian sub rogues are extremely potent in PvP and blow their competition out the water

Hunters that went nightfae currently are much worse off in PvP because their also not kyrian

Death knights that aren’t necrolord are more than likely feeling this

Non venthyr priests also

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