This has already been argued in this thread. The overall TEP data isn’t helpful.
I’ve raided in top 200 raiding guilds, I would not be having a fun time playing a spec I love if I was bottom of the pack and still parsing well. I would be sitting on bench because other better specs would be viable.
Classes being unfun does not equate to classes being unbalanced. That is the problem.
Yes, currently, MOST specs are very unfun.
HOWEVER, all classes are as balanced as they ever have been to date. The difference in performance between bottom pack and top META is less than 7.5K dps and that is like super top guilds. Both things don’t have to mean the same.
That’s not really what i’m arguing. We’ve gone on a tangent that’s unhelpful. My main stance is the classes right now are super unfun and I shouldn’t even be arguing on those stats anyways. I apologize for even bringing it up.
Yeah and then he added “at a price” Then went on to elaborate that it would be a significant one as they want the convent to be an very important decision so they are meaningful and lasting.
Exactly. My issue is that not only does this approach provide the sole benefit of the “cost” to Blizzard - but it also is putting a barrier in the way of people playing optimally.
Why would you ever want your players not to play optimally if they’re willing to put in the time and effort to figure out the best combinations of our options for every encounter?
These soulbind abilities will further add to mess that will be convents. They are taking the worst parts of azerite armor which was being unable to get the correct traits and doubling down on them to create this system that make switching/acquiring these abilities even more difficult.
These Rental abiltiies need to be abolished so we can just enjoy the classes for what they are.
they need to keep the talent tree portion separate
I should be able to befriend a dude in deadplace or vampireplace and call upon them independent of my cov. You can obviously have soulbinds that are covenant specific, but that should be an exception rather than the rule.
I’m really excited for covenants. They look really interesting. As for borrowed power more games are doing this because they argue that it can be used to fight power creep. Not sure that will be much benefit here because that happens every expansion regardless.
As for balance we will see. They might pull it off. I’m going to wait for the whole picture before freaking out.
While devs may be open to criticism they usually go with their vision first. We will need to see the entire thing in order to poke holes in it. We don’t have enough information to give good criticism. If done right and they work to balance it the system might be good.