Covenants are broken

Talk about being the real winner.

Don’t be daft. It doesn’t need to be life or death. I just happen to think people with experience in a matter formulate far better opinions on a topic.

Bad game play design imo. It was what I hated most about legion. It is also why I think a lot of people missed some major story elements.

For instances I keep running into Alliance that to this day did not know that Mathias Shaw was replaced by a dread lord and helped set up the ambush at the broken shore and helped feed bad information about the Horde “betraying” the Alliance that resulted in Varian’s death. This helped cause Genn to attack at Stormheim.

Do you think such a major story element should only be know if you played a rogue and did their order hall quests?

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I personally think the only passably attractive WoW guys are Mrgm and Sloot myself.
Sloot almost exclusively for his voice.

Also on topic, Preach isn’t totally wrong but i doubt these issues will matter as much to the people bankrolling this game: casuals.
They probably should just delete renown and allow full switching though.

Ironic they have to find a solution to a problem they invented.

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I am a filthy casual and I don’t think this system is going to work as Ion and other developers imagine in their minds.

Nobody posting on the forums is the average casual my man.


Except it’s more than just streamers, the only people that don’t think the covenant system is bad are people who only do Trivial content.

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long distance relationships never work

From a PvP arena stance the 1 minute Venthyr teleport alone will massively effect the game… :frowning:

Legion locked spec balancing behind RNG legendary drops despite much warning that it was a trash system. Blizzard changed in in a later patch.

Legion really punished people for multiple specs that Blizzard changed later in in patch.

BfA had multiple systems released as is despite many well documented problems. Blizzard eventually changed every one of them to be more inline with what people suggested before they were even released.

Ion basically said they have a back up plan for covenants because like every other system in the last 4 years people have been documenting game play problems with them. Blizzard yet will continue to release “as is” and then change months later.


What is an average casual ?

No 2 opinions on what constitutes a casual are alike

While that’s fair almost universally in any fandom if you go to the specific forum sites, or conventions you’ve usually ceased to be the average person of that fandom. WoW is really just like any other fandom.

I can only speak for myself, so that’s what I’ll do.

  • The removal of tier sets was a bad idea. Tier sets kept classes fresh from raid to raid. Removing them had the unintended consequence of making classes feel more bland. You weren’t getting cool new bonuses every raid tier, you just re-farmed the same, boring, often passive, azerite traits.

  • Putting abilities on the GCD that had no reason to be on there. The biggest annoyance for me personally was death grip. Why did death grip need to go on the GCD? It just made my class feel clunky not being able to instantly use it as a reactive psuedo interrupt. I’m sure there are many more examples for many other classes.

  • Azerite armor was a huge missed opportunity. Almost all the best traits were boring passive damage procs. Nothing to interact with gameplay. A huge step down from tier sets for me.

  • Removal of master loot. This sucked, for guilds. I know you guys will “blah blah blah I got ninja’d in vanilla so good riddance”, but my guild wasn’t garbage, and didn’t abuse it. Losing it was purely negative for me.

  • Warfronts and islands: The “new features” of BFA were a huge flop. Warfronts were designed to be impossible to lose, and so players quickly figured out it was just a 20 minute AFK to check a box in your weekly chore list. Islands were equally boring, but players were forced into spamming them, as they were the best source of AP.

  • Essences: A decent idea in theory, these were not objectively bad, but their acquisition was terrible. No I don’t want to grind random BGs for 2 weeks Blizzard.

  • Corruptions, visions, and sockets: A complete clown fiesta in the last patch of the xpac, made playing alts unbearably tedious. My main isn’t even up to date on all the chores you need to do in 8.3 to maintain your player power.

Overall, BFA had a ton of content, but 90% of it was boring busywork required to maintain my character power, and preventing me from participating in the actual content I enjoy.


BfA was a success!

Oh wait, blizz used to boast about having 12 million subscribers, but a while back subs dropped so low that blizz became too ashamed to share their current sub numbers.

After the crapfest that was known as BfA, I estimate that the current sub count is around a million.

After SL bombs and bombs hard before Blizz ‘fixes’ everything in 9.3, I predict a player subscription around 500k.

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Guy is actually looking at Blizzard Activision making money off Candy Crush, Call of Duty, and Overwatch, and declaring BFA a success.

The delusion is real boys.


Oh this sentence hit and i hate it

I pug most everything in the game because the guild I’m in is super casual. great people but half the guild is carries. The majority of them think this change is stupid and they would not have heard about it if not for someone else in the guild. When the majority of people figure what is happening its going to be a mess.

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OK that doesn’t still define what a casual is.

Does it have to do with time ? Because lots of high end players just play on raid nights.

Does it have to do with level of content? Because lots of people that do low level content play lots of hours.