Covenants are broken

No the ripcord group is not responsible for them making covenants broken .

It is a response to them already being broken.

If they were not some what broken already would Ion have said we have a back up plan and will pull the ripcord if we have to?

I have never heard that type of thing come from blizz before a launch . They have always stuck with it’s fine or said nothing and ignored the issue until the damage was done.


What? Preach raids in a top world guild but they were never competing for world first. He was broadcasting for Method, but he raids with the guys from fatbosstv.

This is why people trust Preach’s word over GD forum nonsense.

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I don’t understand why Bliz doesn’t just take an extra few months to balance it out better before rolling it out?
Then all they would have to do after the release is some fine tuning. They get into too big of a hurry to release these things before it’s ready!

In English please.

american please

Americans speak many languages but whatever you typed out was none of those.

i was speaking plain country folk english if you cant understand that than no why are you on forums

So games like Final Fantasy 3, 5 and Tactics are not RPG because you can customize characters to be optimal based on what content you are trying to overcome?
So when I need a Thief who can take a hit and give him a Samurai skill I’m not playing an RPG anymore because I’m not locked into that choice for the next week/month/year arbitrarily?

Plenty of RPGs allow you to customize and respec characters and are still amazing games.

Covenants are just going to limit what content you can do on a single character but the RPG half of that will be the same generic storyline for everyone regardless of choice.
You still have to help all 4 Covenants while you level, and do quests with them/for them after making your “meaningful choice” at 60.

One of the most celebrated RPGs of all time also lets you customize and change your character constantly in the form of the Materia system in FF7.
Many Dragon Quest/Dragon Warrior games let you build/change your character as you see fit.
Bravely Default/Second also has an in-depth job system.

RPGs aren’t just games with narrow choices that lock you in.

Why people go to get their info from someone that wants the game catered to him is beyond me. Just play it yourself and use your own mind to see if you hate it or not. Opinions differ

They are experts in this subject hence their opinions are taken seriously. Also Preach’s prediction has been right on many occasions.

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I agree #PullTheRipcord

In before blizz silences this thread like the rest