Covenant Weapons ? Besides Mace?

I am Night Fae, so the weapons beside the maces, 2h Mace and 1h Mace

So, ive search for this in the entire game and cant see them, i saw them datamined, so what gives ?

Where are the 2H Swords, 2h Polearm ?, the 1h Swords, Knuckles, etc ?

I saw them datamined, i know they exist, did you blizzard locked out Warriors to only Maces ???

What the hell !??

Part of our entire fantasy since vanilla, is that we pretty much can use every frikking weapon we want !!

Where is the 2h SWORD ??

Venthyr has the 2H/1H sword, Necro has the 2H/1H axe.

I can only find the polearm unavailable.

Here you can see the Sword