Covenant weapon illusions not account-wide?

When the 9.1.5 covenant restrictions were lifted, the tier 2 covenant weapon illusions (unbreakable resolve, transcendent soul, wild soul, sinsedge) were skipped over for some reason. I understand that certain other items are still restricted pending completion of covenant renown (I believe the calling toys like Sparkle Wings require you to specifically have a night fae at renown 80 to be account-wide) but there seems to be no way to unlock these tier 2 illusion appearances for use by non-members of the various covenants.

I don’t know if this was simply an oversight, or if it was a deliberate move, but I don’t see how it makes sense that even if you have 80 renown with a covenant, you aren’t allowed to use the illusion unless you’re currently part of that covenant. At very least, I would like the illusions to unlock for individual characters who have reached renown 80 in the covenant the illusion is tied to.


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I noticed this myself. It’s very bothersome :frowning:

And as of 3/11/23 nothing has changed.