I’m not sure if this has been talked about before, but for those of us who have leveled alts in different covenants of differing armor types from the beginning of the expansion to obtain the mounts, toys, pets, and xmog, transmog specifically should be account wide.
I’m aware that some transmog is already available account wide such as some of the back, head, and shoulder pieces and some of the sets even… but not all of it is. For instance, on my Venthyr frost mage, I can’t transmog any of the gear from my Necrolord Rogue.
The system was so restrictive in the beginning that it made more sense (to me) to level a covenant on a separate alt instead of doing them all on 1 character (which I would of happily done if it didn’t restrict that toon from raiding, dungeons, pvp…)
tldr: If you’ve obtained transmog on an alt in a different covenant and armor type it should be available account wide.
i.e. Korthia covenant set, campaign set, etc.