Covenant Sanctum upgrade priority?

So, the amount of anima required to upgrade all these parts of the sanctum seems daunting.
It’s a task to get 1000 anima, getting 5000 for rank two takes a while. To get all parts of the sanctum upgraded will take months for sure.

Anyway, I’m Night Fae and want to optimize which part I upgrade first. Any strategies out there?

It will take months because you are time gated by the redeemed souls anyways. You could farm as much anima as you want but it doesn’t matter because you would always need redeemed souls which are finite and time gated.

As far as which option to upgrade first, none of them are really super impactful, I just upgraded the portals around the zone to level 2 as my first level 2 upgrade for convenience.


Best strat is research which building gives you the cosmetic or mounts you want and build those :wink:

Maybe the teleport building to have acces to the oribos portal asap ?

All depends on which QoL or Cosmetic you want because thats what those building are for !

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Honestly there isn’t an importance on either. You can genuinely go for what you like. Takes out sinstone I confess that I have enough souls and haven’t even bothered. The back mog I’m after is at renown 34 so I know I’ve got a long while yet. :joy:

If you’re after cosmetics, I’d recommend upgrading the anima conductor first. The higher tiers reward more Grateful Offerings and the sooner you start channeling with it the faster you can make them permanent.