Covenant portal is a time saver

Ya, not really. Majority of time when your switching areas it’s not to your covenant so that creates a lot of extra flying.

Done with key, going to next key. If it’s not in your area it’s twice as long.

Maybe get away with it using Stormwind cloaks to get to oribos, but those are pretty hefty CD’s and cumbersome.

yeah…i’ll do that if both my HS and wormhole are on CD.
Usually they arent since one is 10min and the other is 15min. One is nearly always ready to go when Im done questing.


If anyone here doesnt know about this, in OLD Dalaran in the Jeweler building you can buy a ring for under 10k gold that is a portal to old dalaran…which has a portal to Org and SW so thats an option to make getting back to Oribos quicker if your HS is on CD.
Signet of Kirin Tor is the one I have.

30 minute CD but its well worth it if youre moving around a lot and need some extra mobility

I don’t get it.

When youre traveling from your home zone to another you have to go to oribos then to the other zone.
The portal to oribos means you dont have to fly to oribos…that time is saved

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I don’t find my mushroom network convenient at all. I’m never that far out in the middle of nowhere in Ardenweald to use them. It’s quicker to run down the main pathway then root through angry mobs to try to get to the cave or grove it’s in.

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But casting teleport is faster than casting portal I think, and you don’t have an extra click to worry about!

Not sure what you mean.
If Im in the Venthyr HQ and I want to go to bastion, its a flight to oribos…then to Bastion. Using the portal in the HQ saves the travel time to oribos

I view it as a developer sin when they ignore prior things that worked amazingly well just to slow us down. Just like not putting a mailbox in the crafting area in Orbios - they are giving us the middle finger because they 100% know what we want and don’t give it to us on purpose.


I’m messing with you, I’m a mage, I get free teleports everywhere.

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How do you port to Oribos from your sanctum? I’m Kyrian and I do not see any way to port from there to Oribos.