Covenant Legendary Tuning

Wow y’all really want to force people to change covenants… or waste a ton of gold. “We don’t make massive tuning passes outside of major patches” lol… ain’t that a lie. You might want to give another “betrayer” refund.

Oh and nerf the mats cost for legendary items while you’re at it.


No comment on the massively powerful ones?

Venth Druid legendary? Venth rogues? Kyrian/Venth Paladin (specifically how it interacts with holy)?

These legendaries are insanely powerful compared to any other combination or legendary. It makes sense you’re trying to add variety but these buffs won’t make up for the overpowering strength of these legendaries.


Convoke specifically states it will cast 16 spells an abilities during it’s duration, so haste affects the speed the skill goes out.

Just got a 50% nerf?

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So you nerf warrior venth lego despite sylv not even having an execute in phase 3 but don’t touch venth boom lol?


THANK YOU I no longer have to care about waiting a month for sinful surge or grinding the renown for it.

Hahaha nice joke :rofl:

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The worst part about this, is the 0 respect for player time, for those that have already switched for progression. The message is loud and clear. Blizzard does NOT respect you.


Nerfed the warrior lego for a 2nd time? Are you kidding? The week before mythic? We can’t even switch due to your horrible mechanic of covenants. Sinful Surge was in a good spot and you just destroyed it. RIP this game man. Seems like no one even knows what they are doing in HQ.

Why don’t they like have the legendaries tuned before the patch is out? That way people don’t waste resources crafting the wrong ones.



Because impending catastrophe is soooo helpful for anything other than mass cursing…


Why do we have PTR, again?


Activision / Blizzard Entertainment to everyone playing warriors:
Just play a bank toon and buy tokens.

Reminder to all sinful surge used to be a very minuscule +3 second buff. It’s now been nerfed by 50%, down to 1.5 seconds.

Does 1.5 seconds feel legendary to you guys? Because news flash, according to activision blizzard, this is absolutely 100% legendary.


The funny part about that to me is, even during the big patch, Hunters got almost zero changes outside of PVP talents. SV got some single target buffs, which is nice for the few who play that. Other two specs were totally ignored though lol

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So blizz can get our hopes up and crush them just like when we thought we might finally be rid of sylv.


50% buffs and 50% nerfs?

What is this, patch 8.3? Lol.

Try testing things before going live.


Make all these warriors go back to Venthyr after a sick legendary that makes our ST competitive again and nerf it a week before mythic after everyone already switched back over. The raid already makes us prone to random mechanics that mess up the uptime of fury and sylavanas doesn’t even have an execute phase to begin with. I only read the forums every now and then, but I just had to make a post.


When will it be safe to choose a covenant (again)?

Never. “Meaningful Choice”. lawl.


Jesus Blizzard is stupid, god forbid melee do more then 4 damage. Legendary already gets completely annihilated by downtime, no execute phase on Sylvanas so essentially worthless. IS THAT FURY WARRIOR DOING NOT LAST PLACE DAMAGE ON SINGLE TARGET? YEAH NERF THAT INTO THE GROUND!


i’m not the type to usually contribute to a public whinefest like this

but what the hell man? You make us play an RNG bs legendary for a whole tier, then finally when it looks like there’s another option, you nerf it before we can even acquire it (its good in theory, but literally any mechanic during a condemn window that messes w/ uptime effectively makes it so we dont have a legendary).

plus a lot of people transferred to Venthyr specifically for this legendary. Just a super frustrating experience all around