NOTHING. Switching covenents has been broken ever since they “fixed” them to not need reproving yourself when you go back to one you’ve already been in.
I suspect Blizzard has given up on this expansion since they are about to announce the new one, so I don’t ever expect them to fix this 
I just did this. switched from drax to fae. skipped the intro, got to the bind with niya, nothing. The thing sparkles, but niya never moved. I abandoned the quest, and accepted it again, this time she walked over, and i was able to soulbind.
Did you pledge your allegiance to the nightfae? Even skipping, you still have to pledge to your covenant before you get the quest to soulbind.
yes of course. after that you see the queen, etc.
Currently getting this. It’ won’t let me soulbind to Niya. I even tried switching covenants and I’m still getting the same result. Looks like they messed something up.
Cannot complete the first kyrian campaign quest. Cannot unlock soulbinds. Completed second and third chapters.
Bug still active. I’m at 60 Renown and am not able to Soulbind with any Venthyr.