Covenant Class Abilities

Player power has always been external. In fact before BfA your power changed with the raid tier (not the xpac) as class set abilities were changed so your argument is dumb.

Then you support the idea.

Not really, you are saying I have to lose something in order to be a part of the aesthetic covenant I like to get the ability I like. I would rather the 2 aren’t tied together.


Then you didnt read what I said lmao. I didnt say youd lose something I said youd be set back a couple weeks in progression. 2 weeks was what I envisioned.

Legion artifacts was a nice addition and it was great, they were legendary weapons after all with history, now it seems they want to do it after each expansion, nerfing your character up until max level and waiting to get abilities afterwards.

Class sets are obtainable by anyone of that class and don’t arbitrarily make you weaker in specific content or lock abilities from use without a grind. So, my good man, I’m afraid your argument is the bad one.

Your idea is a bandaid to an awful system that unnecessesarily creates issues where there should be none. Blizzard is trying to accomplish too much with a singular system and it is going to lead to a lot of unhappy people.

And then those of us that have been pointing out the issues for months will get to lean back smugly and say “told you so,” exactly the same way we did with Azerite and all of Blizzard’s other ill-concieved ideas of late.


Thats a loss. I just lost 2 weeks of progression.


But you had to raid for them. The game has long since passed the point where raiding was the sole focus and removing the class sets was a good change in regards to that alone. What I’m suggesting is a compromise. I dont think the system is absolute trash. It’s much better than what was done in BfA and does look promising as long as these little issues are changed. They’re clearly not scrapping the whole thing at this point.

Only gameplay progression you’re “losing” is soulbind progression and we dont yet know how long it will take to progress those to say if any duration of time is too little or too much.

You did have to raid for them, yes, but choosing one of the set bonuses didn’t lock you out of the other ones.

I’m fine with progression taking place outside of raid in some cases. What I am not fine with is arbitrary limitation where none should exist.

As it currently stands you have a few choices. You can pick the covenant you like the aesthetics of, the ability you like the gameplay of or the ability that is best for m+, or raiding or PvP or tanking or healing or…

You get the idea. Blizzard is asking players to overspecialize.

Preach actually released a video today that explains the point rather eloquently. You should check it out. :slight_smile:


I agree. WoW is a roleplaying game. Blizzard is enforcing that genre.

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Then this is a pointless thread for you to comment on.

No, it isn’t. If you’re expecting an echo chamber I’m afraid you aren’t going to get one. The point of a forum is to discuss ideas with one another, not to blindly agree.

I respect your opinion and disagree with it. I’d advise you to do the same to others.


We have discussed.

Eh, more you’ve tried to dismiss contrary opinions out of hand but that’s all well and good.

I’d just like to remind you and others that arbitrary limitation does not an RPG make.


Because your opinions arent actually about the idea. Your entire issue is with the system as a whole, a system that will clearly not be removed at this point. Any discussion regarding why the system is bad and should be scrapped is pointless. For you to say I’m looking for an echo chamber is actually quite ironic with that in mind.

Just allow the abilities to be switched, it hurts no one, and soulbinds provide enough work and story within the covenant to be their power without being stupidly unbalanced like crazy


Oh, is it? How so? I addressed your idea. I stated that it was a bandaid to a bad system.

We’re just now entering beta. We shouldn’t be trying to find compromises with Blizzard we should be stating our issues with what they’ve thus far presented.

If they allowed the abilities to be switched–perhaps on a cooldown–(or just got rid of the bleeding things) the issues would instantly be resolved.


If that does actually happen then you will be forced to farm the conduits that may affect those different covenant abilities and swap them out as well. I just feel like weve done enough swapping with the last xpac.

I’d be okay with this. I’m okay with grinding more if it allows me to be more versatile.

I like that idea more than the one you presented which punishes versatile players.

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So far conduits affect base abilities, no reason they aren’t keeping it that way.

That’s cool but it’s not a punishment. It’s a different style of gameplay.