A friend and I swapped from Necrolord to Venthyr covenants today. He was able to get the venthyr version of “Anima Salvage” and I was not able to. I have the necrolord version of this same quest but it will literally not allow me to drop the necrolord version so I can pick up the venthyr version.
Please help!!!
The “Abandon Quest” button is grayed out with no addons on. I need this quest removed so I can move on with my covenant.
Update (No good news): I tried completing the quest after doing the troubleshooting, and it still does not autocomplete on its own.
I also cannot even enter the Necrolord covenant hall to turn the thing in.
Still no button labelled “Abandon” available…
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Thank goodness I am not alone. I am losing a lot of sleep on this, hoping it won’t prevent me from progressing on the Venthyr lines…
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hey man i’m having the same issue… changed from venthyr to night fae, stuck with the venthyr version of this quest… i opened a ticket and got some reply about “abandon and retake the quest” and “check the wowhead database for guides” and then they marked my issue and answered so who knows if i’ll even get a proper response. frustrating for sure.
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I logged in today after daily reset and the quest, much to my deep concern, is STILL not gone. I NEED To progress on my Venthyr storyline.
Where are the devs on this??? We poor players have no fix!
It’s not letting me take today’s Ardenweald quest… omg… I literally cannot do ANY covenant dailies until they get rid of this bug???
Edit: I logged out and back in fully and this time the Ardenweald quest is appearing, but the necrolord quest is not gone. I am hoping that the Necrolord quest “Anima Salvage” is taken out of my game files before it comes around again. What is the estimated time to fixing this bug?
It seems this is a known bug now, Blizz apparently doesn’t have a fix for it yet. I have tried exiting out of the game and launcher completely and back in, no luck… Hopefully they can figure it out soon. Maybe do a reset for that quest in particular?
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How does one do a quest reset?
(I have /reloaded, logged out and back in, redone Cache, WTF and Interface folders etc.)
Dear Whoever fixed that:
Thank you. I am over the moon happy to log in and see ONLY the Ardenweald quest “Training in Ardenweald” now.
You have made my day!!! And-- you fixed it in under 24 hours!!! Amazing!!!
I hope the manager of the Bug reports gets that person/team a delicious pizza or doughnuts or something!!!
Still an issue for me… Why would they not just let you abandon the quest…
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Keep at it Carnolock. They got mine fixed!