Covenant Ability: Serrated Bone Spike

There are two new bugs with Necrolord rogue’s “Serrated Bone Spike” since pre-patch.

  • The damage over time component is randomly removing itself from enemy targets.
  • With the legendary “Unity” effect Serrated Bone Spike is supposed to hit 2 targets but is now hitting only 1 target under some circumstances. Sometimes re-equipping the legendary fixes this effect.

Seeing the same. Also, when the DoT disappears from the target you are not refunded the charge when it dies.


This bug is still happening.


Yes it is! I hopped on here to see if it was just me but nope.
more the damage part is it seems to remove itself after the 1st tick

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Just here to say I’m experiencing this too since pre-patch dropped.


Bug fix went out. This was not on it.


Still no fix. Pre-patch isn’t beta.


I just wanted to add that this is not rare and it is super easy to reproduce. Happens constantly.

Yep. 100% happens 100% of the time. Very obvious.

has anyone checked if its the Cov ability or if the talent does it too?

Also, not holding my breath for this to be fixed. It took them like 5 months to fix the Rogue bugs in Torghast, so I doubt this is anywhere on their radar.

This was happening on my rogue alt with the covenant ability and I realized it’s also happening to my affliction warlock with unstable affliction where I’ll put it up and a few seconds later it just falls off

Hi besties :heartbeat:

Still happeneing!

While were at it can we fix Leeching Poison going away on log out please?

Mine is broken too… it doesnt last until target dies or refund charge

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The bone spike is falling off of targets for me, as well.

I would make a separate post for this. I am also losing lethal poisons every time I enter and leave an instance, which I posted about yesterday. Maybe this is related, since I do have the leeching poison talent. I updated my post to reflect that possible interaction.

I dont know if it helps or not but mine seems to work when i select it as a talent…but not the covenant ability…which is frustrating to double invest into necro lord while im trying to cap its renown

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Update: I switched to Assassin to confirm this and oddly enough the talented version of Serrated Bone Spike is functioning correctly and the Unity legendary does work with it as well.

Does not seem to work with Necrolord Soulbind Plague Deviser Marileth’s “Kevin’s Oozeling” ability.

Confirming that this is STILL happening as of the time of writing.

Leveling my Rogue through SL, got to Maldraxxus, got the Cov ability and find that it removes itself after 1 tick, with no refund on the charge either… cmon Blizz…

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If they didn’t fix it by now I doubt they will. Not the first time they left a bug for Rogues languish for several months during Shadowlands.

Assiabtatiin rogue doesn’t appear in dragonflifht