Covenant Abilities should be a new talent row

Tomorrow is a new day, hopefully it will be better for you. Supervisors usually come and go.

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And they shouldn’t. Sub numbers were never meant to be information used against the game or company by internet trolls, they were for shareholders. Given the implementation of the token they switched to the MAU metric.

…(10 chars)

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I don’t know what you’re talking about.
I’ve never posted anything off-topic in my life, anyone who says otherwise is fake news or something.

Listen man, I’m just trying to lighten the mood.

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Subs numbers are accurate for what they are and can show the state of the game from a customers point of view. But for sure they aren’t the state of Blizzard business since they included the wowtoken in the game, microtransactions are getting more interesting than subs. Which also explain the way the game is done now, more to trap whales than to make quality content. That’s my opinion from what we can see, Blizzard is free to prove me wrong.

Bro you’re gonna have to point to which page in the quarterly shareholders report that we can find

Otherwise select pandas will tell you that they are currently rp’ing as a whale trapper, and that the only fix is to allow covenants as a talent row or some other reasonable flexible system.

Oof! Edited. Ok, I’ll allow it. :thinking:

You’ve proven yourself wrong just by your continuation of playing the game. If it was of such low quality then you wouldn’t be here, would you? I couldn’t imagine spending my time and money on a hobby I didn’t enjoy.

With Legion they have made the most in an expac that they have done before by far (calling it a record year), with lower amount of people than wotlk with prices of subs and expac not changing much.

The game can be worse than before, or have less interesting content. Doesn’t mean it’s a terrible game. Raiding is still unique in wow and not comparable in any mmo that tried at it, and for me that’s the part I enjoy the most.

It doesn’t prove anything that I disagree about the state of the game, if anything it proves I’m more adult about it since I’m willing to compromise and offer feedback about it instead of just giving up and quitting.

Probably true. Legion was a great expac, but obviously not without its problems.

Artifact power locked to your spec (and not the class/character) was a mistake that Ion reflected on in an interview later, and of course that’s a huge reason that your necklace level in BFA is not spec-specific.

Also, back in Legion there were massive complaints about the randomness of a specs power being locked into certain legendaries, that you may or may not have had drop for you. Of course, eventually this was changed as well and we were allowed to have a currency to work towards the particular legendary(ies) that our specs were balanced around.

Do you see any pattern here? Blizz likes to make very systems that include very powerful additions and/or abilities. Eventually they have to change their approach and/or acquisition to obtain said items/abilities.

OP has the vision to see this can very easily end up in the same situation, and asked that the system be more flexible from the beginning instead of putting out fires for 12-18 months before finally making the change anyway.

They ignored our pleas and comments in BFA beta etc. Ion even stated (during his interview with Sloot recently) that they won’t make the same mistake of not listening to feedback with SL. Although he didn’t actually outline how things would actually be different, whether different protocols in place, different personnel etc.


Yes all of this :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m still in the hopeful phase, best we can do is give feedback.

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I have moved from that phase to the “I have cancelled my recurring monthly sub and keep an eye out for improvements” stage. Following that stage is the uninstall phase for me


I will kick and scream all the way to Shadowlands release if they don’t change the way covenant powers are dished out.

Plenty of great comrades in the thread.


Important to remember the time line of this. Its something people have said was a bad idea since they were first announced and we were guessing how it would work.

This is a problem blizz is choosing for themselves. I’m not waiting around patches for them to fix it like I did with azerite gear or Essences or coruption.

I will instead join the many who have left which we can see by the steeply decreasing amount of raid kills

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talent row bro

free goal

frustration deleted

pro rpg side gets to keep their impactful choice
pro agency side gets to enjoy this soon-to-be awesome expansion

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Blizzard i will literally promise you this is the better option that ransoming power behind covenants.

This thread has some interesting discussion, I’ll give you that. But the amount of gratuitous bumping of this thread that you’re doing is ridiculous. It’s considered spam and against ToS. I’m not someone who would flag you, but you might want to cool it. Just friendly advice.

Yep, it should just be a talent row. Everyone knows but blizz.


Every time this thread is moved to the top it increases the coverage of the message. Would you prefer I made a new thread every time it doesn’t a reply?

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I don’t believe discussions of a still-relevant thread are against the Terms of Service. This thread is especially important as the game is still in Alpha, so, it is quite good to keep the discussion alive.


Do not “bump” posts.

The act of posting simply to bump a thread is considered spamming. This also includes bumping very old threads for no reason (called “necro bumping” or “necroing”).

Making a new thread with the same content would also be spam.