Covenant @ 9.05

Just as it says’ so many ppl in last week or so are saying NF or Kyrian is the covenant to be as a DH but recently 9.05 PTR shows a slight nerf to NF m Kyrian and yes its mainly to Tanks from what im reading , so why is Venthyr not good or decent when wow head icy veins show its strong for us Havoc spec’d ?

what is the 9.05 consensus covenant if its not touched from what it is now on ptr ? and will Venthyr still be strong ? ppl need to realize You are not the 1 % elitist i know u think you are but for the rest of us does the small amount of damage really break us ormake us ?
And i mean thisis mainly for Havoc spec not Vengence
thank you.

It’ll be hard to give up a Phial that removes bleeds for VDHs regardless of covenant. That has saved me way to many times.

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You can definitely stay Venthyr for what you’re after. The total damage/DPET of the dot is perfectly valuable for its cooldown, plus the larger+uncapped AoE from Meta activation is great. And satisfying.

I’d like to say all four are much more balanced and close for Havoc than some other classes, but the redesign to Necrolord’s might just make it feel even more awkward to use. A controlled, 2 minute cooldown form with a smooth damage buff actually felt pretty good to use minus some awkward clashing with Emeni’s first trait and wanting to pre-cast it for fury gen/the soul. But yeah, you can pretty much choose the one you think looks mechanically nice.

the ptr nerfs the not necrolord abilities 10% in a further desperate attempt to make fodder not just flaming dumpster pile garbage. the ability is STUPID and the only way to make people play it is if it is a good 20% better than all other options

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I would play it if it was on par performance wise with the others… Don´t be absolute.

This is for vengeance only.