Couple of players looking for new home

Hello and good day . not posting on main toon .just don’t want stalkers . funny right …
so about 3 raiders with 2 buddy’s that follow us around for fun .are in the market for a new home . here’s what we have and can bring to the table . 1 healer . 2 dps . 2 of us are 9/10H this tier . not looking really for a M raiding jobs kinda guild . but looking to have fun in H and push keys .would like a smaller guild and not a community guild . please no copy paste type ads there pointless .reply here if u have opening in those rolls posted above . and ill contact u in game . thanks

Hey Bougre,

Not sure if you guys found a guild yet, if not feel free to hit me up to chat about Shattered Oath.

BNET is DrVonSock#11617 or message in game on Alanthicc or Battleboi.

ill try and catch u online and yes my little grp is still looking but with less i think it would be 2 dps and 1 healer . 2 of my other buddys cant make raids much due to real life issues .

Hi Bougre!

Our guild, HOOAC, is looking to raid with more people and do m+. We are small casual guild, and are 6/10 H and are looking for any role, and we raid Saturdays at 6pm server. We do m+ after and through each week as well. If you want to join tonight for either raid and/or m+ message me at KanjiKlub#11346!

just one day a week , ?? that’s not enough time to push content that’s not farmed yet . how will u guys advance with only 1 day a week .

We use lockouts when we get closer to the end. We have gotten aotc every raid since I joined in Uldir BFA.

Hey Bougre,

Find a new raid team/home yet? If not, let’s chat.


we have not seems guilds are just dead . and alot of guilds are small and should work toghter and try and merge . would make a the players base more fun .

add me on btag, lets chat

done but did it on my main